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[HANASHIR:16116] songleading at Camp George

Hi, this e-mail is a request for songleaders. I will be songleading at Camp 
George this summer, and we are looking for several more to join the team. 
George is a unique experience, because as it is a new camp (we're entering our 
6th year), we are still shaping the music program and have a huge impact on 
the culture of camp. Camp George is also in the Muskoka region of Ontario, 
which is said to be one of the most beautiful places in Canada, and many 
famous stars all own cottages in the vicinity (like Goldie Hawn). Though I 
have not been to all the URJ camps, I have heard rumours that George is the 
most beautiful, which is good to note.    

In short, come songlead at George because you will have the opportunity to 
make a huge impact, not only on the lives of many young Jews, but on the 
future of Canada's only URJ camp, and get to spend your summer Jewishly and 
musicly in a very beautiful, spiritual place. 

If you're interested or have any questions, please contact me by email 
(vaisberg (at) yorku(dot)ca) or phone (416-895-1887).


Dave Vaisberg

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