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[HANASHIR:14102] Music Theory and Ear Training Software

Has anyone had any experience with any ear training or music theory
software?  If so, what program(s) have you used?  How comprehensive are
they, and how easy is it to use?

I have downloaded the demos for both Musition (theory) and Auralia (ear
training) from Sibelius ( and so far they seem pretty good.
However, it would be helpful to know what other programs are out there
before making an investment.

In a perfect world I would love to take classes at one of Boston's fine
institutions, but unfortunately there just isn't enough time in my schedule
at this point.  Hopefully, some of you will be able to shed some light on
this subject for myself and for others who would like to expand their
musical knowledge but have limited hours.

Hope you all are having a sweet Pesach.


Steve Meltzer
508-366-9457  (home)
508-579-8433  (cell)
AIM Screen Name:  meltz15
steve (at) meltzerworld(dot)net


"Who is wise?  One who learns from everybody."  --  Pirkei Avot 4:1

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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