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[HANASHIR:4908] Re: Cantorial qualifications

Yes holly, i agree. i had no interest in coming to ny when i studied,  it
would be great  if people had more choices. all the same, zionists cant be
afraid of an ocean voyage, as the saying goes.

Holly wrote:

> Jonathan,
> Point well taken.  However, I believe that the real problem is not about
> whether or not a cantor should be rigorously educated.  The real problem is
> the lack of opportunity for that training.  The HUC only offers the
> training in New York, which is an insurmountable obstacle for many people
> who would otherwise sign up.  Rabbis get three choices, New York,
> Cincinnati and Los Angeles, but cantoral candidates have no other choice.
> I would not mind living in NY (if I could possibly afford it while in
> school full time) but my husband hates New York.  He loves Cincinnati and
> can tolerate Los Angeles (where we live now), but there's no opportunity
> for training at those HUC schools.
> So, everyone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I have a feeling that more
> people who gladly undergo the rigors of training if there were more than
> one place to get it.   I know it's not everyone's argument, but it's the
> argument/obstacle for alot of us.
> Holly

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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