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[HANASHIR:4909] Re: Debby!!!

Rabbi Schachet:   Could you please post your private email so that we can
write you directly about your recent Simcha Chochma service.   Thanks,
Meris Ruzow
-----Original Message-----
From: Rabbi Richard Schachet <lvrabbi (at) lvcm(dot)com>
To: hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org <hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org>
Date: Sunday, January 09, 2000 10:34 PM
Subject: [HANASHIR:4864] Re: Debby!!!

>Debby gave a concert today in Las Vegas-  It sold out in a few days and was
>absolutely wonderful.  She sang Craig Taubman's new L'Cha Dodi-- USE IT--
>great piece.  Friday night we did a Simchat Hochmah service.  Very very
>successful.  We have copies if anyone is interested in seeing what we did.
>A great way to honor our seniors.
>Used new Haskiveinu, Blessings, Kabbalat Shabbat and Hashiveinu.  All were
>received very very well. wish I had arrangements for them though.  All we
>have is the piano  music. Above music was Craig's and Steve Dropkins--  Of
>course credit was given.

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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