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[HANASHIR:4863] Re: A success

I would like to extend a public thanks to Peter and Ellen Allard for
hosting my concert at their home last night.  The evening was
extraordinary.  I have always loved to do house concerts, because of the
very intimate nature of sharing the music.  The evening at Peter and
Ellen's was more than a concert, too.  We began with Havdalah, creating
a sense of community among those who attended, which was extended during
the concert by the fact that almost everyone there was ready to sing
along at any opportunity.  

The event drew people from outside the Worcester area, including people
from Rhode Island, Connecticut (thanks, Ken!) and New York (great to see
you, Shirona!).  I believe that there is a real need for this kind of
gathering. I truly encourage all performers to take part in them, and
encourage anyone whose home has a room which can comfortably accomodate
this kind of event to think about hosting one.  For me, house concerts
are fun, energizing, and fairly easy to organize.  I also agree with
Ellen that the house concert is a way of "sharing our musical wealth"
which is incredibly important and has many rewards for all who

Laura Berkson
Kingston, RI

braveann (at) ids(dot)net

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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