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[HANASHIR:4855] Re: A success

In response to Ellen's lovely letter:

I was just thinking the same thing and I am so glad Ellen expressed these
thoughts to us all.
I have found such joy in bringing Jewish music to the people in my small
I am a radio show host of Kosher Korner and over the last 2 years I have
been collecting,
thanks to so many of you, a wide range of Jewish music. On Shabbat two very
different people
approached me about my last show. Before Kosher Korner came along I could
not picture these people asking  about Shakshuka, Tsufit, or Chaim Dovid,
just to name a few.
Jewish music is such an easy way for people to connect or reconnect to their
I find myself listening to Jewish music 85% of the time and I love it. I was
not that much of a
Jewish music lover when I started this project but now I am a dedicated fan.
I wanted to add to Ellen's wonderful idea of house concerts because I feel
that part of the problem is that the Jewish community is still unaware of
the vast amount of music available to them.
A house concert seems like an amazing informal way to reach out to the
public. The numbers may not be huge but I am sure the word of mouth those 23
people create will help Laura out at her next show.
It is my wife's and my custom to give Jewish books  as gifts to children
becoming B'nai mitzvah. I think I will begin to add Jewish music CDs to
those gifts(not the demos I receive either). I wish  I could do more to
promote Jewish music. But I will keep trying in my own small way. It feels a
little like a David vs.. Goliath struggle. I am sure for many of you
performers it feels even more so! Keep up the struggle!
Take Care,

Arye Berk
Kosher Korner

----- Original Message -----
From: Ellen Allard <ellen (at) peterandellen(dot)com>
To: Hanashir <hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org>
Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2000 9:58 AM
Subject: [HANASHIR:4853] A success

> Dear All,
> Last night, my husband and I held our first of what we hope to be many
> concerts in our home in Worcester. The concert featured our very own
> talented Laura Berkson who wowed the crowd of 23 people who attended. She
> shared a selection of original compositions, as well as a few written by
> other songwriters. It seemed as if everyone left feeling lifted and either
> more connected or re-connected to Judaism and to music.
> I woke up this morning feeling so refreshed and nourished. And I think it
> has something to do with sharing this music with people from our
> people who really appreciated it. I felt so very proud of one of ours (as
> hanashirites). But more than that. I saw something on peoples' faces. I
> sensed something that felt shared by everyone in attendance. The people on
> this list have been blessed with the ability and opportunity to create
> music, whether it be in Jewish or secular situations. And some of us have
> had the good fortune to attend retreats or conferences where we can make
> lots of music with fellow musicians, or attend wonderful concerts given by
> Jewish artists. But, I realized last night, that almost all of the people
> who came to hear Laura, rarely have the opportunity to hear the great
> that we do. And when I saw the genuinely loving reception that she
> it reminded me that we have an obligation, I believe, to share our musical
> wealth with those in our midst. I felt as if people went home with a
> beautiful gift...the gift of great music and spirit and joy, and in this
> case, of Jewish music.
> Just got a phone call from someone who came to the concert. She was
> to say how much she appreciated our holding the concert in our home and
> she and her husband loved every minute of it!
> My hope is that this idea of house concerts spreads to other communities
> that those who want to perform and share their music have opportunities to
> do so. By creating these mini-performance settings, we are sharing what we
> have been blessed with each and every day.
> Ellen Allard
> Worcester, MA

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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