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Jewwatch removed

The below message was posted to the website that was petitioning to get 
the site removed....apparently it has been removed.....Elliott

From: "Abuse Team" <abuse (at) ev1servers(dot)net>
To: "Jewwatch Webmsater" <sysadmin (at) stormfront(dot)org>,
<abuse (at) ev1servers(dot)net>
Subject: AUP/TOS Violation [] Case #: 2601 

It has come to our attention that your server located at 
[] is in violation of our AUP/TOS by way of the following 

The URL(S) stated above is in violation by way of this site violates 
our aup/tos and must be removed by friday April 16, 2004 at 08:00 CDT.

We must demand that you take prompt action in the removal of the 
material in questionor we will be forced to take further action. The 
time is now 4/13/04 2:37:31 PM.

Please email any correspondance to abuse (at) ev1servers(dot)net(dot) Also be 
to keep the case # in the subject line
for quicker reference. Thank you in advance for your prompt cooperation.

Abuse Team
abuse (at) ev1servers(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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