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Jewish Music events in Beantown

Hey, folks,
Now that I started compiling Jewish music events in/around Boston, I get to
appreciate how much we have going on:
Check out the calendar (follow the link from

Some highlights (just a tiny excerpt):

1. Di Bostoner Klezmer at NEFFA in Natick, MA, 4/25, 11:30 AM

2. Leonard Nimoy as a storyteller in oratorio "Souls on Fire", 4/29, 8PM,

3. Khevre at Zeitgeist Gallery in Cambridge, MA, on 5/6, 10PM

4. An evening of Arabic and Jewish Music in Cambridge, MA, on 5/8, 7:30 PM

And the list goes on and on,

And of course don't forget our local SPLENDID KLEZMER JAMS-- they are all
listed there too..

Vlad Liberman

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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