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Klezmerwelten 2004

Just a reminder for those of you in Germany, or Holland, or nearby...

Klezmerwelten Gelsenkirchen presents:
FRI  APRIL 16   lecture "Joshua talks Klezmer" with Josh Horowitz
SAT APRIL 17   concert Veretski Pass
SUN  APRIL 18   concert Khupe, dancing led by Steve Weintraub
WED  APRIL 21   dance workshop with Steve Weintraub, music by Veretski Pass

Khupe and Veretski Pass will also sincerely try to mess up each other's
sets... There's an instrumental workshop and more concerts by fabulous Willy
Schwarz, Bente Kahan and others... check out details at:

Christian Dawid

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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