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Veretski Pass Seedee and Bookiee from the" Boys" and Cookie

The shipping from the Horn is in fact fabulously fast. I had a chance to
have a listen and lo and behold its actually *better* than I recalled, I
think thats due to the fact that I was listening to early mixes. This is
such an exciting disc. These guys( all 3 of em') are about the rhythm. I
think its a new high water mark. The production is great,  a very good
sounding recording , I really like the mixes. I guess we all know these
folks have "ears".  Cookie's new(old) Maginni copy (which doesn't make a
sound when she's not around) sounds mhoovalous, Josh and his Schrammel
accordion and its Bgriff layout as always a blast with that reedy buzz that
blends so well with strings.(love the tsimble too, but I am an accordion
nut) The unstopable, untopable, poppotamus of time Stu B. lifts the whole
disc up, its got the float going on. This is just what I needed after a long
day of Jersey rain. Had a read through the bookie and its all there, every
tuneling and jot. A workshop fixture of the present and future, to be sure.
Stu and Josh are the best 2 man rhythm section in the style.Do I seem a
trifle excited ?Soon all Klez bands will try to sound like this. Bullets at
the Wedding will be on my playlist , especially if someone has the lyrics
and they pertain to the felling of a party planner.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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