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RE: non-Canadians who attend Klez Kanada

KlezKanada is supported by generous donations from Montrealers

In response to Roger's letter I would like to point out that while Canadian 
support for the arts, through bodies such as Arts Canada Council, surpasses 
that of the U.S, KlezKanada is not a big recipient of such public funds. 
KlezKanada has recieved some grant money, but it was a pittance considering 
KlezKanda's operating budget. The reason that KlezKanada is so inexpensive 
is because, in an effort to expose the maximum amount of people to the 
riches of Jewish music, art and community, KlezKanada's founder and director 
Dr. Hy Goldman, refuses to raise the price, which as it stands now is below 
cost. Moreover, in order to keep Yiddish music alive in the younger 
generation, KlezKanada offers an unprecedented scholarship program that sees 
an upwards of 75 students from all over the world coming to the camp for 
free or nearly free. KlezKanada only survives (and covers its annual losses) 
due to Hy Goldman's tireless efforts and generous donations from Montrealers 
and the Montreal Jewish Community in general. I therefore welcome Roger's 
call for Americans to make donations to KlezKanada. If this amazing 
institution, and the very special community that it fosters, is to survive 
and thrive, it will need all the financial support it can get including 
funding from people outside the Montreal area. In fact there are plans 
underway for a KlezKanada benefit concert in New York featuring KlezKanada 
faculty, If anyone would like to help out with this event please let me 
know. I look forward to seeing you all at the next KlezKanada.

Chag Sameach,

Jason Rosenblatt

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