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Re: Veretski Pass CD and book available

OOOHHHH!!! this CD is gorgeous!!

This is a great contribution to the world of klezmer.  I've always loved 
Cookie's deep, soulful old-world sound - but on this CD, highlighted to 
perfection by Josh and Stu - she reaches out from her old world roots to touch 
your heart, over and over again.  This is a CD I'll listen to a million times.  
It captures a beautiful and living glimpse of what klezmer is really all about.
  The wonderful liner notes, the unusual collection of rare tunes, and 
completely masterful playing by three of the best artists in the klezmer scene 
would be enough -- but there's more -- it's the way they've put it all together 
to reach out and touch our hearts.
  Thank you Cookie, Josh and Stu for this beautiful gift.
Margot Leverett

"The Art of Klezmer Clarinet"
"Margot Leverett and the Klezmer Mountain Boys"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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