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Re: words to : Giten pirim malach"

The version of my aforementioned friend (z"l) is the same as the one in
Y.L. Cahan's Yidishe folkslider mit melodies (only this one doesn't have
a melody written, only text:

A guten purim malakh!
Vu ikh gey, fal ikh.
Di bord iz mir lang,
Dos vayb iz mir krank; (same up to here as Perele's)
Nemt der tate a fayertop
Un makht der mamen a lokh in kop.
Zogn di kinderlekh: Oy-oy-oy!
Zogt der tate: gut azoy!

Good Purim, Malach
Where I go, I fall   [from being drunk on Purim]
My beard is long
my wife is ill
Father takes a pot 
And makes a hole in mother's head.
The children say: Oy-oy-oy!
The father says: It's good that way!

My friend told me that when her older brothers used to sing that, their
father would get angry, as he was a gentle man.  I could just visualize
the scene!


On Fri, 19 Mar 2004 14:29:55 EST MizLac (at) aol(dot)com writes:
I remember my dad telling us about this, the children would come into
their neighbors homes on Purim and recite :

Giten Pirim Malach
Vi ich gai, fahl ich

der burd iz mir lang
die vibe iz mir krank
zi ligt inter der bangk

get mir a kreuzer un varft mich aroise
get mir a gleizele vine
in nem mich tzirik arein

Good Purim, Malach
Where I go, I fall   [from being drunk on Purim]
My beard is long
my wife is ill
she lies under the chair

Give me a coin and toss me out
Give me a glass of wine and take me back in again

sorry I couldn't get it to rhyme in English/no time :)

Perele from Brooklyn 

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