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RE: "We Are Hasidim"

Hi, Jeff --

I've been meaning to write you just to let you know that I
never heard from Josh Dolgin after I wrote him, some time
ago (at moisheoysher (at) hotmail(dot)com, at your suggestion),
re Oscar Julius and "We Are Hasidim" on the Avenue A CD.
Which was disappointing.

Any other ideas how I might find more information about
this recording?  Does Josh have a NYC (or, surely less
likelily, Boston) phone number?

Anyway, I hope this finds you and Deborah well.  It was
great meeting you in LA (at the Yiddish Institute) and it's
good hearing of your doings on the Music List.  Satalla
seems to have some really good musical stuff going on,
and I wish I were (or had been? -- can't remember if it's
forthcoming or just over) in town to hear you both there!

Kol tuv and all the best,

Robert Cohen

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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