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Klezmatics Performance Warmed the Soul

Only 75 people?!?!?

Wow....I wonder how many of them realized just how lucky they were 
(evidently not many)...One has to call extremely early and fight for 
seats to get into Klezmatics shows here in CA, since they seem to sell 
out almost immediately.  It doesn't surprise me at all the way the 
Klezmatics kept their cool - they are truly a class act.  It's a 
terrible shame we were not able to get them down here during their West 
Coast run.

Well, at least we got to experience Frank London a few weeks ago with 
Kol Isha, Shekhina and Piamenta!  Now *that* was an excellent show!


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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