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Ukrainian Jewish Culture CD #1 tracklist

1.  (Kurtse bagrisung dem Yidishn Etnografishn muzey// Short Greeting to 
the Jewish Ethnographic Museum) Performer - Sholom-Alejhem. Petersburg. 
2.  Freylekhs //Freylekhs (Hasid tune). Performer, place and data of 
performance are unknown [1912-1914]
3.  Dem Berditshever rovs dudke 1/ Berdychiv Rabbi's Pipe. Performer - 
Elyeiser Saminsky. Petersburg 1914.
4.  Dem Berditshever rovs Kadish // Berdychiv Rabbi's Kadish. Performer - 
Zinovii Kisselhof. Petersburg 1914
5.  "Ve-kakh haya omar" // "And So He Said". Performer - Medzhybizh rabbi. 
Medzhybizh (Podolia region). 1913
6.  "Yavu adir" // "Yavu adir". (Song of the End of Saturday). Performer is 
unknown. Sudylkiv (Volhynia region). 1913
7.  Dance Play (violin). Performer, data and place of recording are unknown 
8.  "Fun der shtub bin ikh aroysgegangen" //"From the House I Went Out". 
Performer - Joseph Boher. Proskuriv (Podolia region). 1913
9.  "Mayn kop iz mir tsebrokhn" // "My Head is Broken". Performer - Esther 
Cherner. Bershad (Vinnytsia region). 1945
10.  A khsidisher nign // Hasid Tune. Performer - Mojshe Bilotserkovsky. 
Berdychiv (Kiyv region). 1913
11.  Reb Shneur Zalmans nign // Rabbi Shneur Zalman's Tune. Performer - 
Mojshe Bilotserkovsky. Berdychiv, 1913
12.   Akhashverosh-shpil (fragment) // Ahashverosh - shpil  (Recitative). 
Kalinkovichi, Belorus.  Performer and data of recording are unknown
13.  "Oy, keyn tshan bin ikh nor ongekumen" // "Oh, I've Just Approached 
the Vat". Male voice. Performer, place and date of recording are unknown 
14.  "In bolnitse bob ikh a nayes gehert" // "At the Hospital the News I've 
Heard". Male voice. Performer, place and data of recording are unknown 
15.  Kale bazetsn // Kale Bazetsn. Fragment of Traditional Wedding. 
Performer (voice, clarinet) - Zalman Kaplan Ingulets (Kherson region). 1939
16.  "Ekh, khorosha sluzhba nasha yevreyskaya" // "Oh, Good is Our Jewish 
Service". Performer -Ben Galatser, Medzhybizh (Podolia region). 1913
17.  "Oy, Abram, ikh ken on dir nit zayn" //"Oh, Abraham, I Can't Be 
Without You". Performer -Mani Hamerberg, Medzhybizh (Podolia region). 1913
15.   "Moskve iz mayn geburtshtot" // "Moscow is My Native City". Performer 
Mani Homerberg. Medzhybizh (Podolia region). 1913
19.  Reb Dovid Karliners nign // Rabbi David Karliner's Tune. Performer - 
Moishe Bakshtn. Place of performance is unknown. 1914
20.  "Kudi idesh?" // "Where Do You Go?" Male voice. Performer, place and 
data of recording are unknown [1912- 1914]
21.  "Durney, durney Marko" // "Stupid, Stupid Marko" Male voice. 
Performer, place and data of recording are unknown [1912-1914]
22.  "Lakhen ko omar" // Song for 9-Aba. Performer Ehiel Lerner. Kremenets 
(Volbynia region). 1913.
23.   Two children's count verses: "A rod un a ran", "Lokshn ha zakatyla". 
Performers - children. Kremenets (Volbynia region). 1913.
24.  "Shloyme ha-meylekh " 1/ "Tsar Solomon". Performer is unknown (child's 
voice). Kremenets (Voihynia region). 1913.
25.  Tsvey shvesterlekh // Two Sisters. Performer - Sonja Leibman. Bobrovy 
Kut (Kherson region). 1936.
26.  "Makht der khosidl: "Bim - Bom" // "The Hasid Sings: "Bim - Bom". 
Performer - Ljolja Romm, an actress of the Moscow Jewish Theater. Kyiv, 
27.  "Makht mir nisht keyn foyle komplimentn"//"Don't Say Me False 
Compliments". Performer  Ljolja Romm,  an actress of the Moscow Jewish 
Theater. Kyiv, 1929.
28.  "Shma kolanu"//"Listen to Our Voice". PerformerMotl Libers. Kievan 
(V~hynia region). 1913.
29.  "Der tate in Amerike" II "The Father is in America Performer - Henia 
Groisman. Medzhybizh (Podolia region). 1913.
30.  "Mi adir al ha-kol" // "Who is the Emperor Above Everyone". Performer 
- Velvl Glatsur. Place and date of performance are unknown [1912-1914].
31.  "Baleboste zisinke" //"Sweet Hostess". Performer is unknown Village 
near Ruzhin (Kyiv region). 1912.
32.  An Oster nign // Oster Tune. Performer - Am Shmuel Kaban. Proskuriv 
(Podolia region). 1913.
33.  "Az di baleboste geyt arayn" // "When the Hostess Enters". Performers 
- children of 4 to 10 years old. Kremenets (Voihynia region). 1913.
34.  Di shtot Beynazeres // Buenos - Aires City. PerformerSima Guralnic, 
woman-worker. Bila Tserkva (Kyiv region). 1929.
35.  Nign // Chant. Performer and the place of recording are unknown. 1912.
36.  Purimshpil fragment. ("Selling of Josef"). Recitative. Performer - 
Haim Merboim. Kolomyla. 1940.
37.  "Ikh zits mir in shenkl"//"At the Pub I Sit". PerformerAm Shmuel 
Kahan. Proskuriv (Podolia region). 1913.
38.  "Tsesheydn kon undz nit keyner" // "Nobody Can Separate Us". Performer 
- Meir Erlikh. Zhytomir (Volhynia region). 1913.
39.  "Dem kheyder vel ikh gedenken" //"The Kheyder I Will Remember". 
Performer - Esther Cherner. Bershad (Vinnytsia region). 1945.
40.  "Shoyn dray yor,  az mir shpiln beyde libe" // Three Years Already 
Passed as We Saw One Another". Performer - Esther Cherner. Bershad 
(Vinnytsia region). 1945.
41.  "Agava raba"//"Great Love"(from repertoire of violinist Pedotser). 
Performer -Motl Shteinbard, Pedotser's pupil. Place of performance is 
unknown. 1913.

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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