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Re: Kol Isha - Advice for Affirmative Action

I think the biggest step forward this round, past lowering the tone
somewhat, has been the move to specificity -- leaving to the Orthodox that
which is Orthodox business, while putting the onus where it belongs. The
Queen Elizabeth Hall Concert is a model example of how it should and can
work. Jittery bookers take note.

Sylvia Schildt
Baltimore, Maryland

on 1/24/04 4:05 PM, Jill Friemark at sefirah (at) earthlink(dot)net wrote:

> Nice!
> Could Mel's post have been more sensitively and efficiently
> articulated?  Here is a great example of how to keep the Kol Isha
> discussion productive without allowing emotions to spiral out of
> control, putting those of us off who may be interested even if not
> directly affected.  Just a bit of mutual respect on the topic will
> provide for a lot more enlightenment and willingness to understand the
> issue at hand, whichever side you're leaning toward.  I've really
> enjoyed reading those posts reflecting our list members' strong
> feelings from all positions on the subject, while still maintaining a
> measure of respect and rational behavior at the same time.
> Now we're making some progress!  :)
> Jill

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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