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Re: FW: Kol Isha - Advice for Affirmative Action


Could Mel's post have been more sensitively and efficiently 
articulated?  Here is a great example of how to keep the Kol Isha 
discussion productive without allowing emotions to spiral out of 
control, putting those of us off who may be interested even if not 
directly affected.  Just a bit of mutual respect on the topic will 
provide for a lot more enlightenment and willingness to understand the 
issue at hand, whichever side you're leaning toward.  I've really 
enjoyed reading those posts reflecting our list members' strong 
feelings from all positions on the subject, while still maintaining a 
measure of respect and rational behavior at the same time.

Now we're making some progress!  :)


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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