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Klezmer show in boston, this wedsday, Winograd/Staaf duo

Hiya list,

here's an upcoming show for those in the boston area:

Michael Winograd and Carmen Staaf (of Khevre) with vocalist Tanya Jacobs 
live at the Western Front Club, this wedsday, Jan. 21 at 9:00 PM.  The 
Western Front Club is located at 343 Western Ave, Cambridge.  (617.492.7772)

With Michael- clarinet, Carmen- Accordion

Klezmer Duo and French Trio music with Vocalist Tanya Jacobs

"Michael's an idiot, but Carmen's a great musician.  It's lucky for him, 
she lets him tag along"- sarah gordon

I think the price is $5... alrightee-- hope some can make it

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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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