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Re: Jerusalem and Temple (was Kol Isha)

As has been said over and over again when discussing this and related issues 
(are we really discussing), "that's one view"
> <<But it is no longer the absolute dead center of our religious faith and 
> practice..>>
> If the symbols in Jewish observances alluding to Jerusalem were only symbols 
> of 
> a by-gone era, then why would Jews pray three times daily (not to mention 
> when 
> bentching after meals) for the rebuilding of Jersusalem and the Temple as 
> well 
> as the reinstatement of its service? It is true that some changes in communal 
> structure had to be made, for instance the rising importance of the 
> synagogue, 
> because of the exile, but these have always been seen only as necessary 
> measures 
> in order to preserve Torah in the Diaspora. The ideal is and has always been 
> to 
> go back to Jerusalem and buildthe Third and final Temple. It is only because 
> of 
> political and religious reasons (ritual impurity...) that it has not been 
> built 
> even today. The centrality of Jerusalem is also why many times a d'var Torah 
> or 
> book of Jewish responsa or laws will end with a prayer for the rebuilding of 
> the 
> Temple and the words "bimheira b'yameinu (speedily in our days)..."
> Gut Shabbos,
> Elie
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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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