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Re: First Khupe CD available in the US

on 1/15/04 4:19 AM, Dawid & Moericke at khupe (at) khupe(dot)de wrote:

> I'd like to announce that Khupe's first CD, a live recording from 1999, is
> finally available in the US.
> It's called 'Mit der kale tantsn'.

I interrupt the ongoing kol isha discussion to highly recommend both this
and Khupe's new CD, Heymisher. These are great albums from a wonderful duo
who deserve much recognition for their music, if you don't have these discs
yet, just get them!

I am also an artist with CDs available from CD Baby, but this was my first
time ordering from them as a customer. They're great to purchase music from,
and they are really quick on the shipping.


Seth Austen
email: seth (at) sethausten(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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