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Re: "Kol (Isha)"

In a message dated 1/15/2004 12:25:44 PM Central Standard Time, 
alanamscat (at) yahoo(dot)com writes:
OK, so what does this have to do with all the posts?
Well, first of all, the prohibition of kol isha *even
on halachically observant men* is not particularly
clear cut. It seems quite possible that it's not that
big a problem to have women singing, as long as they
aren't attempting to recite kriat shma at the time. 
This posting is very interesting indeed--thank you, Alana!
Your comment above makes me think of an interesting observation that I made 
when singing at one simcha:  the frum gentlemen in the crowd left the room when 
I sang (Yiddish and Hebrew songs), but chatted without leaving or paying 
attention when a black female singer belted out Motown hits!  I took this as a 
compliment--i.e., either I or the language in which I was singing were 
more seductive.....

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