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Re: Dark Eyes

In a message dated 1/14/4 3:30:46 PM, rar (at) slavic(dot)umass(dot)edu writes:

<< In 1924 the New York music publisher Joseph P. Katz published sheet 
music of "Ochi chernye" with the annotation "As Sung With Great Success 
by Ch. Kotylansky" on the cover.

The most popular version is probably by The Barry Sisters who "re-introduced" 
it back to Russia in 1960 when they performed there with the "Ed Sullivan 
Show".  They performed a few Jewish songs which was very unussual at the 
time..and to this day, they are still very popular there. 
Hatikvah Music

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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