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Re: Vibraphone/xylophone/marimba in Klezmer music

> I've noticed that, especially when I listen to vintage Klezmer recordings,
> that there is a malleted instrument that is a Vibraphone/xylophone/marimba,
> probably a marimba.
> I don't recall a discussion of the use of the marimba in Klezmer band
> around the turn of the last century. The sound makes it seems like it is an
> attempt to recreate the sound of the tsimbl with contemporary instruments.
> Thoughts on this hypothesis?

If you tell us what recordings you are referring to, we could perhaps answer
the question more accurately. Jacob Hoffman played xylophone with Kandel's
Orchestra. Another possibility is that some of what you're hearing may be
cymbalom. Sometimes the cymbalom sounds so thunky it is easy to think it is
something else.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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