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Re: A wedding band

Hey, mazl tov!

Don't forget the klezmershack listings at


At 02:58 PM 1/12/2004, you wrote:

>Dear List,
>I'm moving to NYC in late February and am getting married in Westchester, 
>New York in August.  Since I've never actually lived in New York, I'm not 
>so familiar with New York based bands that perform weddings and I'm 
>looking for one.  I'd really appreciate the list's help.  Feel free to 
>recommend your own band if you think it's relevant.  But please please 
>respond offlist to me directly at <mailto:galeet (at) divahn(dot)com>galeet 
>(at) divahn(dot)com(dot)
>We definitely want a band that plays klezmer well (yes, yes, I have a 
>Mizrakhi band myself but mah la'asot, I'm marrying a full-fledged 
>Ashenazi) but ideally the band would also be able to play as many of the 
>following styles as possible: instrumental jazz, salsa, funk, rock.   We 
>are planning on having a DJ as well to play Mizrakhi/Middle Eastern/ 
>Persian/Arab dance music, pop, etc.  Can anyone recommend a good DJ for 
>this kind of music?
>Thanks so much for your help!
>Galeet Dardashti

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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