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Yiddish poetry and list member Seth in the news...

For art songs, scroll down... in the meantime...

Further to Seth Rogovoy's mention of Limmud - the UK's Jewish learning
conference which just took place - on the list a few days ago,
London-based list members can catch a nice picture of Seth and Jewlia
Eisenberg from Charming Hostess in this week's London Jewish News,
together with a report on Limmud.

For those who weren't there: it's not a music conference, but it's a
fantastic few days of just about everything Jewish (choose from 30+
parallel sessions each time slot...) There's a good helping of music -
workshops, lectures and concerts, the chance to hear a really wide range
of what's going on in the Jewish musical world... and copious 'busking'
opportunities. See for details. Conference is in the UK
every December, and the first Limmud in the USA will be (I believe) in
New York early next year.

On to Yiddish art songs - in addition to Cantor Sam's list of available
publications, there are also quite a lot of volumes of 'art' settings of
Yiddish poetry out there if you scour library collections - I don't know
which libraries you have access to; the JTSA in New York and YIVO are
good places, but I've also found Yiddish art songs in the British
Library and other collections.

The bibliographic references for three of the larger collections are
below; there are _many_ other published collections out there - contact
me off-list if you'd like more information.

Shavua tov,

Abbi Wood

Hacken, E. (1973) [nigunim tzu yidishe dikhtung]/Songs to Jewish Poetry
(2 vols). Tel Aviv: Or-Tav.

Polianski, M. (1995) [41 muzik-lider tzu tekstn fun yidishe
dikhter]. Tel Aviv: Farlag Y. L. Peretz

Yardeini, M. (1966) Yiddish Poets in Song. New York: Jewish Music

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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