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A wedding band

Dear List,

I'm moving to NYC in late February and am getting married in Westchester,
New York in August.  Since I've never actually lived in New York, I'm not so
familiar with New York based bands that perform weddings and I'm looking for
one.  I'd really appreciate the list's help.  Feel free to recommend your
own band if you think it's relevant.  But please please respond offlist to
me directly at galeet (at) divahn(dot)com(dot)

We definitely want a band that plays klezmer well (yes, yes, I have a
Mizrakhi band myself but mah la'asot, I'm marrying a full-fledged Ashenazi)
but ideally the band would also be able to play as many of the following
styles as possible: instrumental jazz, salsa, funk, rock.   We are planning
on having a DJ as well to play Mizrakhi/Middle Eastern/ Persian/Arab dance
music, pop, etc.  Can anyone recommend a good DJ for this kind of music?

Thanks so much for your help!


Galeet Dardashti 

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