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Re: Resurrection (was Shnirele Perele)

Quoting Michel Borzykowski <borzykowski (at) infomaniak(dot)ch>:

> Thanks, Bob, for these interesting variations... 
> Would you please be so kind to translate:
> uvo letsion goyeyl venoymar
> Any comments about the idea of resurrection of the deads in the Jewish
> culture /religion?

Thanks to Irwin Oppenheim for responding to Michal's first request.  As for 
the second, I must leave the answer to list members more qualified than I.  A 
tongue-in-cheek answer, however, can be found in the opening paragraphs of 
Isaac Bashevis Singer's speech to the Nobel Prize banquet in 1978, in which he 
addressed the question of why he continued to write in Yiddish, a "dying 
language" (see

"[I also believe] in resurrection. I am sure that millions of Yiddish speaking 
corpses will rise from their graves one day and their first question will 
be: 'Is there any new Yiddish book to read?' For them Yiddish will not be 


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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