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Best of Friday Night

  (sorry to be about a week late with this: our first Bat Mitzvah looming in 2 
weeks and almost all is out of control. Shirona asked for ideas for what works, 
RE Friday Night service material)
  you should know that YOUR songs, specifically Ki Eleicha, have become the 
"Best of Friday Night" in my shul (just as your Modim is now a standard at 
Toronto Kolel's High Holydays where i sing). People do not sing it with me 
(yet), but are totally smitten by the beauty of your works, and in fact demand 
them. to answer your call for suggestions, do you know the CD "With Every 
Breath" - The Music of Shabbat at B'Nai Jeshurun, New York? I experimented with 
several pieces from that and found Carlebach's "Kaddeshenu" great for a "little 
frenzy", and their melodies for Ma Gadlu and Halleluyah  also easy to work 
with. Also great is their Sephardic Et Dodim. With a partner (another cantor), 
how about Baruh she'amar (another CD, same congregation), very easy in 2 or 3 
parts, people won't stop (works as a round). I you have some more great ideas, 
pls. share! 
  lenka (not a cantor yet but wishing to be one!)

  lenka lichtenberg, singer-songwriter, yiddish and world music performer. for 
mp3s, audio clips and performance updates, visit

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