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borrowing tunes

Hi, that contrafactum is a longstanding and ongoing part of Jewish
musical life can be taken for granted (read Jeff Summit's great article
"I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy" on Simkhat Torah tunes in Boston for
example; or a couple of my own old - and maybe not as much fun as Jeff's
- articles on contrafactum in Judeo-Spanish song): what I'm asking is
SPECIFICALLY why David hears shantey tunes, and WHICH shantey tunes, in
WHICH Sephardic songs, from WHICH Sephardic tradition; and I was also
distinguishing between "songs" in general and "ballads" in both the
popular and classic definition. Judith

> with shanteys and other melodies
> being mixed in with more clearly-acknowledged "Jewish" melodies (and we
> can go on forever on what THAT means), is a very contemporary process,

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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