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Re: FleytMusik

I know it's a few days later here (on a day-break from KlezKamp for Shabbes; 
came home), but I want to express my thanks to listers Roger, Judy and Jordon 
for their postings of the Tonic concert of FleytMuzik last Sunday, for 
attending, and for appreciating the extra narration about the flutes as well.   

Kamp is great this year - so far, of course. It's great to be back in the 
Catskills, Ray Musiker performed like a 25 year old man, Wex is STILL witty, 
and Shifra are amazing, and "all the children are above average." 

More after it's all said and done. 

Adrianne Greenbaum &
Associate Professor of Flute, Mount Holyoke College
Klezmer flutist: “FleytMuzik” and “Family Portrait”
Classical: "Sounds of America"
fluteworld or cdbaby

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