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Re: Pete Rushefsky / CD cover art

In a message dated 12/23/3 1:54:50 PM, seth(dot)rogovoy (at) verizon(dot)net 

<< Pete Rushefsky accompanied Alicia Svigals on tsimbl on Saturday night at 
Spencertown (N.Y.) Academy. He is definitely one to watch. In just a few
short years he has become one of the top klezmer tsimblists in the world.
Alicia isn't chopped liver on her instrument, either.

Absolutely. And don't forget his CD, "Tsimbl un Fidl" with Elie Rosenblatt. 
What a delight...and a great cover picture. 

Alicia's Cd, "Fid'l", unfortunately never received the audience it so rightly 
deserves. I believe with a better cover, her CD would have been a much bigger 
seller. It is a very good recording.

I wish record companies would come up some better art work for Jewish 
recordings.  Bad art work can kill a good recording, I have seen this time and 
Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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