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Klez Que C'est? Tonight @ Satalla, NYC 9pm!

Don't forget to come down to Satalla tonight,
to dance to klezmer and show your Jew pride,
while all those other suckers stay at home and wait for Santa Claus to come...

Wednesday, December 24
Klezmer Jamboree
Jeff Perlman and
Klez Que C'est?
9pm 'til you can't dance no more

Singles mingle, drink and dance.  Couples and non-Jews welcome too!

The rockin' Eastern European Jewish party band will feature:

Jeff Perlman - clarinet (Village Klezmer Quintet, KlezSka)
Ben Holmes - trumpet (Village Klezmer Quintet, Klez Dispensers, King 
Django's Roots & Culture) Aron Gershman - Moldovan accordion virtuoso
Jason Sypher - slap-eriffic bassist (Klezmer Mountain Boys, Nikitov)
Timothy Quigley - percussion (Zagnut Cirkus Orkestar, Jessica Lurie, Argentine)

and some special guests, too... (+ you)

Wednesday, December 24
Klezmer Jamboree
9pm 'til about midnight, unless you beg for more

Temple of World Music
37 W. 26th St.
(btwn Broadway and 6th Ave)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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