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Woody Guthrie Concert at 92nd Street Y

A great concert Saturday Dec. 20.
Last Saturday's concert at the 92nd Street Y in NYC was a sold-out house,
and with good reason. Not only did the music have incredibly good
arrangements, great new pieces of music set to Guthrie lyrics, and some
older songs by Guthrie as well, but it was a wonderful experience to see so
many archival materials being used in such creative ways, and coming to
life. (Lots of special treats for librarians there!)  Thanks to all the
Klezmatics/ and Guthrie for giving us a whole new set of Chanukah songs for
the future, and in English. The whole house gave them standing ovations and
enthusiastically loved it.

We had a preview of this music in Boston a few weeks ago, but having the
whole band and the completed music was even better.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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