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Rule, Britannia...

B"H Munich

--- Alex Lubet <lubet001 (at) umn(dot)edu> wrote:
> Whoa!  Who ever said the message of Messiah wasn't
> overtly Christian? 

G-d, actually.

 >>Of course it is,

G-d might disagree with you there.

 and for those who believe that
> Christian prophecy is imbedded 
> in Tanach, using only Tanach texts can be a way of
> making a Christian 
> point. 

with lots of careful editing and tweaking, sure.

 There were a number of Protestant movements
> in Britain and the 
> colonies that identified strongly with the
> Israelites.

I haven´t read anyone here discussing the English
fashion of that time - reading the English nation
into the position of the Israelites. After all,
the honor of the Jews as G-d´s "Chosen People" has
been usurped again and again through history. The
Catholic Church first proclaimed that the Jews´
contract with G-d was no longer valid; then Church
arrogated that it was now "the Chosen People". 

And then when C of E (Church of England) broke with
the Catholics, they then decided that THEY were G-d´s
chosen people. So in my opinion, Handel´s writing O.T.
oratorios (Judas Maccabeus or anything else) had to do
with the English fashion of congratulating themselves
on becoming "Chosen" by G-d - little to do with Jews
filling the house.

Alex Jacobowitz

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