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Re: concert attendance, etc.

Hey all,

I'm glad to see this thread on the list - I think for any of us trying to 
play this music that we love, its really important to start addressing the 
question of how to get bigger audiences.

For the last several months I've been doing the bookings at Tonic with 
David Krakauer.  Basically the deal is that bands have to do their own 
promotion.   If they do, it really pays off.  If not, almost no one 
comes.  The moral is that people like this music, and they like to hear it 
played well - but, like so many other things, many just don't know about 
it. This means sending press material to the local Jewish papers as well as 
papers with club listings (Tonic gets listings in Time Out and Village 
Voice, but it can't hurt to send to them as well - maybe you'll get a 
little blurb as well as just a name in a Tonic ad)

We're trying to figure out how to build up a regular audience, but it's 
really tough.  One option may be to move the weekly thing to the upper west 
side, where there are more jews...

As for myself - I'm young, haven't been playing out for more than a few 
years and really see increasing opportunities for myself and the people I 
play with.  Playing the right exposure gigs (certain cafes, subways, etc.) 
really can lead to more work - but more importantly a regular gig can lead 
to a tighter band more comfortable with performing and playing 
together.  There are a number of restaurants and cafes that really like 
having acoustic earthy folk music.  They often don't pay a lot but you can 
negotiate a meal and tips and during an otherwise quiet weeknight it can be 
a great gig.  And you don't have to worry too much about bringing an 
audience because people are already coming to eat - it also gets some other 
folks who aren't necessarily into Jewish music to hear your stuff, join 
your mailing list, etc.

Which brings me to the next point: finding a new audience for the 
music.  We klezmers need to look at partnering with other types of bands... 
even maybe world-influenced DJs.  Playing double bills and exposing the 
music to people who wouldn't normally be drawn to attend a jewish music 
show.  The points someone else made about the danceability of the music are 
right on target.  True, live music venues are having a hard time drawing 
crowds, but look at what's still thriving - large DJ dance parties.  People 
pay upwards of $20 to get smushed into a crowded room with lots of other 
sweaty people, buy overpriced drinks and shake their thang.  Hungarian 
House regularly draws a large crowd to Balkan dance parties.  We need to 
take this dance music off the stage and back onto the dance floor.

But another regular discussion I've had with my friends is how much 
self-promotion sucks.  You spend lots of time you'd rather spend playing 
just trying to get gigs and then trying to get people to come.  And then 
there's the other problem that often artists are not the best at selling 
their own work... There are a lot of us who are not nearly successful 
enough to hire a full time person to handle all the business for us, but 
maybe if there were one person who were interested in representing a scene 
- a few klezmer bands in addition to some other world music groups - they 
would be able to make it work.  I know there are still lots of people who 
have no idea what klezmer music is, but they'll like it if they only get a 
chance to hear it (and I know this because of all the people I've turned on 
to the music... and the ones they've turned on to it... on so on... just 
because we're all so entrenched in it we tend to forget that most people - 
even jews - haven't got a clue what klezmer means.  it is certianly not yet 
a household word.)

so really, i think promotion is the big missing link...

people won't just show up at the door of the club, you have to compel them 
to come.

if anyone has suggestions on how to do this, please share...


At 12:21 AM 12/15/2003 -n0500, you wrote:
>                             JEWISH-MUSIC Digest 2815
>Topics covered in this issue include:
>   1) Re: Shrinking audiences? (was RE: Khevre is astounding)
>         by SICULAR (at) aol(dot)com
>   2) Re: Shrinking audiences? (was RE: Khevre is astounding)
>         by "Dick Rosenberg" <mashke (at) comcast(dot)net>
>   3) p.s. better audiences and sparser ones
>         by SICULAR (at) aol(dot)com
>   4) upstate means upstate (MA vs. Hudson Valley gigs)
>         by SICULAR (at) aol(dot)com
>   5) Shrinking audiences and party planners
>         by AGREENBA (at) aol(dot)com
>   6) Re: Ten-best and challengers
>         by "Michel Borzykowski" <borzykowski (at) infomaniak(dot)ch>
>   7) venue struggles & audience sizes
>         by SICULAR (at) aol(dot)com
>   8) Re: venue struggles & audience sizes
>         by MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com
>   9) Tuesday, downtown NYC - Klezbos/MetroKlezmer @Satalla (reminder)
>         by SICULAR (at) aol(dot)com
>  10) Re: venue struggles & audience sizes
>         by Willadance (at) aol(dot)com
>  11) On Sale! New Lori Cahan-Simon New CD
>         by Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com
>  12) Re: Shrinking audiences? (was RE: Khevre is astounding)
>         by Willadance (at) aol(dot)com
>  13) Re: Shrinking audiences?
>         by Willadance (at) aol(dot)com
>  14) Re: Shrinking audiences? (was RE: Khevre is astounding)
>         by "allen watsky" <awatsky (at) nj(dot)rr(dot)com>
>  15) Re: Shrinking audiences? (was RE: Khevre is astounding)
>         by "Eliezer Kaplan" <zelwel (at) comcast(dot)net>
>  16) Re: Shrinking audiences? (was RE: Khevre is astounding)
>         by "allen watsky" <awatsky (at) nj(dot)rr(dot)com>
>  17) Re:trance/funk.But the modes and cadences of cantoral and klez.
>         by Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com
>  18) Re: On Sale! New Lori Cahan-Simon New CD
>         by Buby8 (at) aol(dot)com
>  19) Re: On Sale! New Lori Cahan-Simon New CD
>         by "r l reid" <ro (at) panix(dot)com>
>  20) dec. 21 Tonic: FleytMuzik
>         by AGREENBA (at) aol(dot)com
>From: SICULAR (at) aol(dot)com
>Message-ID: <1e7(dot)1588ed7c(dot)2d0d4f55 (at) aol(dot)com>
>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 00:29:57 EST
>Subject: Re: Shrinking audiences? (was RE: Khevre is astounding)
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>we had an exceptionally good house tonight at Merkin Hall in NYC, around 350
>I think (Isle of Klezbos with Stonewall Chorale).  tickets were not cheap
>either; it was a special/holiday event though. and some of our other shows 
>year have been strong.  but it really takes the right combination of factors.
>upstate shows can still be good if the price is right and the promotion
>effective, but if not -- look out!  going out in Manhattan and Brooklyn, 
>I've seen
>some excellent turnouts at various friends' shows all year; good word of 
>is essential... as well as reviews, if it's a long-playing show or theater.
>there are still clubs and shows doing well, but obviously some producers and
>clubs are having a horrible time too.
>and going nearly off-topic (musical theater), sure Broadway is having a rough
>season overall, but look at Avenue Q; it's in the right place at the right
>time, and successfully moved uptown from off-Bway.
>- e v e  s i c u l a r  -
>151 First Ave #145, NYC 10003
>tel:  212.475.4544
>fax:  212.677.6304
>Message-ID: <012101c3c205$86c183c0$0202a8c0 (at) VAIO>
>From: "Dick Rosenberg" <mashke (at) comcast(dot)net>
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: Shrinking audiences? (was RE: Khevre is astounding)
>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 00:45:44 -0500
>MIME-Version: 1.0
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>         charset="iso-8859-1"
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>Ahem, ahem, Boston is not "upstate" :-)
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <SICULAR (at) aol(dot)com>
>To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2003 12:29 AM
>Subject: Re: Shrinking audiences? (was RE: Khevre is astounding)
> > we had an exceptionally good house tonight at Merkin Hall in NYC, around
> > I think (Isle of Klezbos with Stonewall Chorale).  tickets were not cheap
> > either; it was a special/holiday event though. and some of our other shows
> > year have been strong.  but it really takes the right combination of
> >
> > upstate shows can still be good if the price is right and the promotion
> > effective, but if not -- look out!  going out in Manhattan and Brooklyn,
>I've seen
> > some excellent turnouts at various friends' shows all year; good word of
> > is essential... as well as reviews, if it's a long-playing show or
> > there are still clubs and shows doing well, but obviously some producers
> > clubs are having a horrible time too.
> >
> > and going nearly off-topic (musical theater), sure Broadway is having a
> > season overall, but look at Avenue Q; it's in the right place at the right
> > time, and successfully moved uptown from off-Bway.
> >
> > Eve
> > =================
> > - e v e  s i c u l a r  -
> > drummer/bandleader
> > 151 First Ave #145, NYC 10003
> > tel:  212.475.4544
> > fax:  212.677.6304
> >
> >
> >
> >
>From: SICULAR (at) aol(dot)com
>Message-ID: <15a(dot)29a91457(dot)2d0d55ec (at) aol(dot)com>
>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 00:58:04 EST
>Subject: p.s. better audiences and sparser ones
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
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>some of the good turnouts I've seen in the last few months:
>Rachelle Garniez on a double bill with her mom at Weill Hall [sold out]
>Balkan dance music at Barbes & Hungarian House
>Django Rheinhard [sp?] & Lionel Belasco revival projects
>lesbian & gay duo singer/songwriters with some campy covers
>Bill Frisell at Zankel Hall
>classical chamber music at BargeMusic in Brooklyn [nearly sold-out, many
>series subscribers]
>poor turnouts I've seen:
>many Tonic brunches
>Metro's B'nai B'rith-sponsored concert with no senior or child discounts
>so-so turnout:
>Kate & Anna McGarrigle with various family members in tow (incl Rufus &
>Martha Wainwright) at The Bottom Line, where they usually play when in NYC
>Satalla KlezSka show
>- e v e  s i c u l a r  -
>151 First Ave #145, NYC 10003
>tel:  212.475.4544
>fax:  212.677.6304
>From: SICULAR (at) aol(dot)com
>Message-ID: <87(dot)147ec32(dot)2d0d58a3 (at) aol(dot)com>
>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 01:09:39 EST
>Subject: upstate means upstate (MA vs. Hudson Valley gigs)
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
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>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>hi Dick,
>I'm not talking about Boston (though as Dick may recall we had a fairly light
>turnout in Cambridge once, on a July weeknight in 2000 I think). Seth was
>asking about shows generally post-Sept 11th, no?  Upstate NY... as in 
>last month! not a terrible turnout, but not great: the producer missed 
>calendar items in some of the basic local listings & synagogues and also 
>out some of the market.  On the other hand, in summer 2002 at Caffe Lena, in
>Saratoga with well-organized promotion, we had a packed house on a Tuesday
>night in Saratoga when the club's not even usually open -- and it wasn't 
>racing season either.
>We've also had very nice turnouts at the Rosendale Cafe, very near Kingston,
>but in a much  "better neighborhood"... and people know they can get a good,
>reasonably priced meal there too.  these are all medium-sized venues, with
>stages mainly just about big enough for Isle of Klezbos, but too small for 
>full eight-piece Metro Klezmer to fit.
>- e v e  s i c u l a r  -
>151 First Ave #145, NYC 10003
>tel:  212.475.4544
>fax:  212.677.6304
>From: AGREENBA (at) aol(dot)com
>Message-ID: <43(dot)25b2e02b(dot)2d0d6112 (at) aol(dot)com>
>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 01:45:38 EST
>Subject: Shrinking audiences and party planners
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative; 
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>Wow, your stories are wild with the PPs!! My only screw up with placement of
>the band was when we were told to do the cocktail hour on the 2nd floor of 
>catering place and the full reception on the 3rd floor. We set up two sound
>systems only to be told that she had it wrong - and then, of course, we 
>had to
>set up in about a 1/2 hour in reverse. The client had actually told me
>correctly but the planner said otherwise.
>I have another recent one:
>A last outdoor/tent situation until the cold weather his for the year, the
>P.P. asked if the clients could use our mikes to make speeches. Of course, I
>always say. So, after an hour I said we were taking a break and the mike was
>there's and walked away after handing the mike to the first speaker. Then 
>the PP
>came over and said "Oh dear, why are you walking away? You need to stand here
>in case the microphone doesn't work right.   I said "Uh, gosh, I think YOU 
>stand here if you're so worried that i couldn't run over here in time to save
>the day! Okay? I'm on a break!"
>You're right, Lori, I really had no clue what was in store for us artists
>when this new career of Party Planner came along. And, by the way, when you
>mentioned that many groups are too afraid, in a sense, to say things are 
>not the
>same, fewer concerts, poorly attended, you are SO right. It takes courage 
>to be
>honest about that end of the business.
>Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>Wow, your stories are wild with the PPs!! My=20= only screw up with 
>placement of the band was when we were told to do the coc= ktail hour on 
>the 2nd floor of the catering place and the full reception on=20= the 3rd 
>floor. We set up two sound systems only to be told that she had it w= rong 
>- and then, of course, we had to set up in about a 1/2 hour in reverse.= 
>The client had actually told me correctly but the planner said otherwise. 
><= BR> I have another recent one:
>A last outdoor/tent situation until the cold weather his for the year, the 
>P= ..P. asked if the clients could use our mikes to make speeches. Of 
>course, I=20= always say. So, after an hour I said we were taking a break 
>and the mike was= there's and walked away after handing the mike to the 
>first speaker. Then t= he PP came over and said "Oh dear, why are you 
>walking away? You need to sta= nd here in case the microphone doesn't work 
>right.  I said "Uh, gosh,=20= I think YOU can stand here if you're so 
>worried that i couldn't run over her= e in time to save the day! Okay? I'm 
>on a break!"
>You're right, Lori, I really had no clue what was in store for us artists 
>wh= en this new career of Party Planner came along. And, by the way, when 
>you me= ntioned that many groups are too afraid, in a sense, to say things 
>are not t= he same, fewer concerts, poorly attended, you are SO right. It 
>takes courage= to be honest about that end of the business.
>Message-ID: <00ea01c3c23a$eb7c7600$28fd17d4 (at) test>
>From: "Michel Borzykowski" <borzykowski (at) infomaniak(dot)ch>
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: Ten-best and challengers
>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 13:01:50 +0100
>MIME-Version: 1.0
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>Thanks for the mention, George!=20
>And for those who would like to buy the CS "Psalms" edited by the 'Amis =
>de la Musique Juive', here is the way:
>E-Mail: amj (at) club-association(dot)ch
>Phone: +41 76 522 01 51
>20 Euros or 20 US$ (postage included)
>----- Original Message -----=20
>From: George Robinson=20
>To: World music from a Jewish slant=20
>Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 8:53 AM
>Subject: Ten-best lists
>And very honorable mention:
>Conservatoire de Musique de Geneve: "Les Psaumes" (Les Amis de Musique =
>George ... Robinson
>Content-Type: text/html;
>         charset="iso-8859-1"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
>Thanks for the mention, George! =
>And for those who would like to buy the = CS "Psalms"=20 edited by the 
>'Amis de la Musique Juive', here is the way:
>E-Mail: <3d.htm>amj (at) club-association(dot)ch
>Phone: +41 76 522 01 51
>20 Euros or 20 US$=20 (postage included)
>----- Original Message -----=20
>From: <3d.htm>George=20 Robinson
>To: <3d.htm>World music from a Jewish = slant=20
>Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 8:53 AM
>Subject: Ten-best lists
>And very honorable=20 mention:
>Conservatoire de Musique de Geneve: "Les Psaumes" (Les Amis = de=20 
>Musique Juive).
>George ... Robinson
>From: SICULAR (at) aol(dot)com
>Message-ID: <18d(dot)235ffdd3(dot)2d0dda31 (at) aol(dot)com>
>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 10:22:25 EST
>Subject: venue struggles & audience sizes
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>first of all ~ hoping the latest news augurs well for peace.
>I think there are different, very particular issues and circumstances as far
>as club and concert attendance.  it's interesting to me to compare how 
>non-klezmer brunch shows (six nights a week) are doing. the club has built a
>devoted listenership and reputation for great, innovative programming. they,
>like Barbes, do retro movie nights on Mondays to keep momentum without simply
>booking live music for the sake of it every evening, or going dark. Tonic, 
>Barbes, has built actual community support starting from their very
>artistically-involved, levelheaded and devoted owners. and some klezmer 
>brunches do
>well. but it's hard for out-of-town klezmer artists on a one-shot deal at 
>to get the houses they'd like when it's not KlezCamp aftermath or some other
>auspicious date... occasionally the grapevine kicks in for particular 
>bands. still, it's a way to play NYC if you wouldn't otherwise have a booking
>with an honest, well-run venue (they even have a way-better house drumset and
>full back-line amps these days) that has its own built-in basic p.r.  I think
>the club pulls back on their support though when they see diminishing 
>for instance they used to have more of an actual brunch menu to go along with
>the Lower East Side locale.
>one wonderful gig which we got right after September 11, 2001, which lasted
>that year and one more but disappeared this year, was very successful for us,
>but was part of a holiday programming bill that had to survive as all or
>nothing unfortunately.  Metropolitan Klezmer played Caramoor Center in 
>Westchester, the full eight-piece band, two matinees on a Sunday in 
>both shows both years either sold out the room completely (2pm) or within a
>dozen seats or so (4pm).  It was the first time they'd booked klezmer in 
>and they were very happy with us financially and artistically. but still the
>promo and all had to cover an entire series which didn't do well enough, 
>so no
>three-peat this year. it could come back, I hope it will. it's a prestige 
>and they have relatively high overhead for production and p.r., an excellent
>room with good press placement.  and this turnout coincided with an annual 
>Hanuka billing I believe at SUNY Purchase College not far down the road.
>Again though, this was a special Hanuka featured show. during the rest of the
>year, things can be very hit & miss for ticket sales, esp. on weeknights.
>And we can't play out publically on weekends unless it pays enough, since 
>when our musicians are likely to get real income gigs for private events,
>whether with klezmer or something else.  so committing to any prime date far
>enough ahead for programming and publicity purposes involves the presenter 
>willing to make enough of a commitment.  being a producer/club owner or 
>involves a tremendous amount of risk, aggravation and sometimes gratification
>and profit.  I've heard that the (Western MA) Iron Horse will not even
>consider klezmer shows the last few years after disappointing attendance 
>even for
>the Matix and NOKA.  and that was before 2001.
>sometimes a show can succeed for the band but not the club -- don't get me
>wrong, we could all die of exposure, but some showcasing is worth it -- and
>sometimes the club does well on a basis that couldn't sustain the band 
>(like when
>we had a fabulously attended release event in trendy Williamsburg on a
>"klezmer night" which we could never afford to play again, since the 
>guarantee amount
>would only have worked for a small combo... that Galapagos klezmer slot
>disappeared before long, but our night they were surprised to have to pay 
>us an
>extra pittance, since 10% of the bar sales actually did exceed their 
>Finally, my experience with klezmer club shows teaches me one thing for sure:
>if there's a minimum table charge, best to allow the patron to cover that by
>ordering either food or drink rather than just drink... and that can be good
>for customer satisfaction, but the profit margin in these places is always
>highest on the drinks, whether alcoholic or not.  other than that, I don't 
>what a careful study of this subject really shows!
>If the Bottom Line does close, I wonder where some of their regular acts will
>now play? and how will those venues do better at staying in business and
>creating a comfortable and professionally-run atmosphere?
>Another venue issue, more for festival/non-profit/JCC type places, is when
>subsidies decline. That doesn't affect your average club, but does affect
>klezmer touring. Less to do with simple attendance numbers than with 
>allocations/policy and foundation/stock market doings. not that those shows
>wouldn't have to be profitable overall, but those producers can afford 
>booking risks which purely commercial places can't.  These places are 
>hurting now,
>not just the for-profit venues. And often the club appearances would have to
>work as "routing" stops which fill in the dates between these more
>financially-cushioned dates. Sometimes the merchandise sales make the 
>difference in
>whether artists' costs are covered.
>- e v e  s i c u l a r  -
>151 First Ave #145, NYC 10003
>tel:  212.475.4544
>fax:  212.677.6304
>From: MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com
>Message-ID: <50(dot)26063f09(dot)2d0dfbfc (at) aol(dot)com>
>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 12:46:36 EST
>Subject: Re: venue struggles & audience sizes
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
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>In a message dated 12/14/2003 9:23:31 AM Central Standard Time,
>SICULAR (at) aol(dot)com writes:
>Another venue issue, more for festival/non-profit/JCC type places, is when
>subsidies decline. That doesn't affect your average club, but does affect
>klezmer touring. Less to do with simple attendance numbers than with
>allocations/policy and foundation/stock market doings. not that those shows
>wouldn't have to be profitable overall, but those producers can afford
>booking risks which purely commercial places can't.
>Great point, Eve. You remind me of what has been happening to the Jewish
>community even before 9/11, really since the 2nd Intifada: monies have 
>dried up
>for all but a few programs that used to be sponsored by the Jewish 
>community.  I
>am not condemning that point--
>G-d knows that Israel needs the money, and lots of support also dried up
>because of the stock market crash.
>Anyway, case in point: For a decade, every other year, a local prominent JCC
>co-sponsored with my band's not for profit arm a Midwest Klezmer and Yiddish
>Music Institute.  It drew as many as 800 participants but never quite broke
>even (although they said it brought them great kudos and kovod).  In 1999, 
>told me that the new word coming down to the JCCs was: if it's not 
>drop it.  So they did (along with a lot of other really fine programs, mostly
>for seniors).
>Fortunately, Northwestern University is expressing interest in picking up the
>Institute, and I have been teaching ongoing individual classes from it at a
>local college that draws a nice classroom full of retirees.  So maybe
>educational institutions can can pick up the ball where the Jewish 
>community dropped
>Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>In a message dated 12/14/2003 9:23:31 AM Central Standard Time, SICULAR= 
> writes:
>>subsidies decline. That doesn't affect your= average club, but does affect
>>klezmer touring. Less to do with simple a= ttendance numbers than with 
>>allocations/policy and foundation= /stock market doings. not that those 
>>wouldn't have to be profitabl= e overall, but those producers can afford 
>>booking risks which pu= rely commercial places can't.
>Great point, Eve. You remind me of what has been happening to the=20= 
>Jewish community even before 9/11, really since the 2nd Intifada: monies 
>hav= e dried up for all but a few programs that used to be sponsored by 
>the Jewis= h community.  I am not condemning that point--
>G-d knows that Israel needs the money, and lots of support also dried u= p 
>because of the stock market crash.
>Anyway, case in point: For a decade, every other year, a local prominen= t 
>JCC co-sponsored with my band's not for profit arm a Midwest Klezmer and 
>Y= iddish Music Institute.  It drew as many as 800 participants but 
>never=20= quite broke even (although they said it brought them great kudos 
>and kovod).=   In 1999, they told me that the new word coming down to the 
>JCCs was:=20= if it's not profitable, drop it.  So they did (along with a 
>lot of othe= r really fine programs, mostly for seniors).
>Fortunately, Northwester= n University is expressing interest in picking 
>up the Institute, and I have=20= been teaching ongoing individual classes 
>from it at a local college tha= t draws a nice classroom full of 
>retirees.  So maybe educational i= nstitutions can can pick up the ball 
>where the Jewish community dropped it..= ...
>From: SICULAR (at) aol(dot)com
>Message-ID: <1c3(dot)12ee95e6(dot)2d0e13f0 (at) aol(dot)com>
>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 14:28:48 EST
>Subject: Tuesday, downtown NYC - Klezbos/MetroKlezmer @Satalla (reminder)
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Flatiron/Chelsea NYC klezmer at Satalla, gentle reminder...
>this Tuesday, December 16
>Metropolitan Klezmer 7:30pm (eight-piece)
>Isle of Klezbos 9:30pm (sextet)
>last full-band Manhattan shows this year ~ come celebrate
>37 W 26th St, just east of Sixth Avenue
>Full menu, all ages, blacklight ambience
>$15; $10 for kids under 13
>N, R, F, 6 trains; street parking too!
>CDs at, in stores & all over ~ Happy Hanuka!
>on Greetings from the Isle of Klezbos:
>"...remarkably good. 'Goldene Khasene,' for example, trades off clarinet and
>trumpet leads backed by some excellent accordion for a strong take on a
>wedding tune. The wittily titled 'Klezmerengue' nimbly fuses ... so 
>seamlessly that
>the join never flows -- a tribute to the musicianship on offer... This is
>excellent stuff, as good as any klezmer album around today."  - Chris 
>Nickson, All
>Music Guide
>on Metropolitan Klezmer's latest disc, Surprising Finds:
>"Talk about a surprising find!... the absolute best in klezmer style. Whoever
>listens to Metropolitan Klezmer opens the encyclopedia of klezmer. It's a
>history lesson. Every song has the right liner notes... Musically everything
>fits. All styles get their turn, from pieces of Yiddish musicals, from jazzy
>swing, pure Balkan, tango, and waltzes to a few very strong wedding 
>dances. Some of
>the songs are presented live, others are medleys that fit together seamlessly
>and four short pieces are live recordings of Deborah Karpel's grandfather,
>taped in the mid-Sixties... A mandatory buy for the true lover of klezmer, to
>whom I also recommend visiting their website."
>                 - RootsTown [Belgium], translated from Flemish
>151 First Ave #145, NYC 10003
>tel:  212.475.4544
>fax:  212.677.6304
>email: info (at) metropolitanklezmer(dot)com
>From: Willadance (at) aol(dot)com
>Message-ID: <166(dot)29987af6(dot)2d0e3a9a (at) aol(dot)com>
>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 17:13:46 EST
>Subject: Re: venue struggles & audience sizes
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative; 
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>In a message dated 12/14/03 12:47:15 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com writes:
> > Anyway, case in point: For a decade, every other year, a local prominent
> > JCC co-sponsored with my band's not for profit arm a Midwest Klezmer and
> > Yiddish Music Institute.  It drew as many as 800 participants but never 
> quite broke
> > even (although they said it brought them great kudos and kovod).
>In 1999, they told me that the new word coming down to the JCCs was: if it's
> > profitable, drop it.  So they did (along with a lot of other really fine
> > programs, mostly for seniors).
>Many JCC's are putting huge amounts of money into their health and fitness
>activities to the detriment of Jewish Arts and Culture and other needed and
>worthwhile programs.  The belief is that they can compete with the large 
>chains.  They hire staff for there fitness programs at salary levels that are
>thousands of $ higher than what they were paying Jewish progamming staff. 
>let their arts and culture and programming staff go and then form volunteer
>committees to organize the type of programming that should be offered at a 
>But sometimes even when there were staffed arts and culture programs the
>offerings in terms of concerts, performances, classes and workshops has 
>been sparse.
>I just personally lived through this experience.
>Willa C Horowitz
>Leader and Teacher of Israeli, Klezmer and International Folk Dance
>130 Mt. Sanford Road
>Hamden, CT 06518
>(203) 248-0291
>willadance (at) aol(dot)com
>Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>In a message dated 12/14/03 12:47:1= 5 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
>MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com writes:
>In 1999, they told me that the new word coming down to the JCCs was: if 
>it'= s not
>profitable, drop it.  So=20= they did (along with a lot of other really 
>fine programs, mostly for seniors= ).
>Many JCC's are putting huge amounts of money into their health and fitness 
>a= ctivities to the detriment of Jewish Arts and Culture and other needed 
>and w= orthwhile programs.  The belief is that they can compete with the 
>large= fitness chains.  They hire staff for there fitness programs at 
>salary=20= levels that are thousands of $ higher than what they were 
>paying Jewish prog= amming staff. They let their arts and culture and 
>programming staff go and t= hen form volunteer committees to organize the 
>type of programming that shoul= d be offered at a JCC.  But sometimes even 
>when there were staffed arts= and culture programs the offerings in terms 
>of concerts, performances, clas= ses and workshops has always been sparse.
>I just personally lived through this experience.
>Willa C Horowitz
>Leader and Teacher of Israeli, Klezmer and International Folk Dance
>130 Mt. Sanford Road
>Hamden, CT 06518
>(203) 248-0291
>willadance (at) aol(dot)com
>From: Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com
>Message-ID: <124(dot)28ed0914(dot)2d0e3afd (at) aol(dot)com>
>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 17:15:25 EST
>Subject: On Sale! New Lori Cahan-Simon New CD
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>As you all know, Lori has releases a new Yiddish CD, "Vessel of Song - The
>Music of Mikhl Gelbart". Unfortunately, we just NOW received it.
>This is one of the BEST CDs I have ever heard.
>The music is great, vocals are wonderful and the musician are first class.
>If you are a real fan of Jewish music, and especially if Yiddish is your 
>then this CD is a MUST. Included in the 15 selections are 2 lovely Yiddish
>Chanukah songs.
>There's still time to order this CD for Chanukah, so we are offering it at
>the special price of $13.98, Domestic Shipping included for all Visa &
>Mastercard orders through December.
>Because I feel this is such a great recording, we are offering our "Excluisve
>Hatikvah Music Guarantee" (patent pending) when you purchase this recording.
>Basically, the guarantee states that "IF you do not like this recording, we
>GUARANTEE that we will NEVER sell you anything else"
>We accept Visa & Mastercard.
>Hatikvah Music
>323) 655-7083
>From: Willadance (at) aol(dot)com
>Message-ID: <53(dot)153baa1(dot)2d0e3e6f (at) aol(dot)com>
>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 17:30:07 EST
>Subject: Re: Shrinking audiences? (was RE: Khevre is astounding)
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative; 
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>In a message dated 12/13/03 5:51:49 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>seth(dot)rogovoy (at) verizon(dot)net writes:
> > Have the professional performing musicians on this list noticed a definite
> > drop at the box office since last spring?
> >
>As a coffeehouse organizer I can tell you that last season we lost money.  We
>had small audiences for our first 3 concerts (The Zydecats, Rick Fielding and
>Eileen McGann, each less than 40 attending.)  We made a small amount on two
>concerts and broke even on 4.  I think it may have had something to do with
>9/11 and the current political situation.  Some of the performers felt it
>necessary to comment on current events as I understand they might do at 
>other venues
>as well.  Performers have confided to me that they have received negative
>feedback from audience members regarding their political commentary from the
>stage.  Perhaps this is offending some audience members and they are not 
>coming out
>for live music as much as they used to.
>Willa C Horowitz
>Leader and Teacher of Israeli, Klezmer and International Folk Dance
>130 Mt. Sanford Road
>Hamden, CT 06518
>(203) 248-0291
>willadance (at) aol(dot)com
>Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>In a message dated 12/13/03 5:51:49= PM Eastern Standard Time, 
>seth(dot)rogovoy (at) verizon(dot)net writes:
>drop at the box office since last spring?
>As a coffeehouse organizer I can tell you that last season we lost money.&nb=
>sp; We had small audiences for our first 3 concerts (The Zydecats, Rick 
>Fiel= ding and Eileen McGann, each less than 40 attending.)  We made a 
>small=20= amount on two concerts and broke even on 4.  I think it may have 
>had so= mething to do with 9/11 and the current political situation.  Some 
>of t= he performers felt it necessary to comment on current events as I 
>understand= they might do at other venues as well.  Performers have 
>confided to me= that they have received negative feedback from audience 
>members regarding t= heir political commentary from the stage.  Perhaps 
>this is offending so= me audience members and they are not coming out for 
>live music as much as th= ey used to.
>Willa C Horowitz
>Leader and Teacher of Israeli, Klezmer and International Folk Dance
>130 Mt. Sanford Road
>Hamden, CT 06518
>(203) 248-0291
>willadance (at) aol(dot)com
>From: Willadance (at) aol(dot)com
>Message-ID: <53(dot)153bab5(dot)2d0e41af (at) aol(dot)com>
>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 17:43:59 EST
>Subject: Re: Shrinking audiences?
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative; 
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>In a message dated 12/13/03 6:36:42 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>AGREENBA (at) aol(dot)com writes:
> > Ah yes, but do bands offer the same freebies as the DJ's???? Last week, no
> > kidding, the DJ placed a pair of earplugs for each person at their 
> place at
> > the table. Now THAT's service - with a grimace.....
>It's tacky and accomplishes nothing.  If they are concerned with hearing
>conservation, they would strictly adhere to standardized indoor noise levels.
> > We were "sharing" the dance-floor with the DJ and all I can say is that we
> > couldn't wait to be done with our portion so we could pack up and get out
> > before TOO much damage to our ears was done.
> > Oh, and the really nice part was when the party planner (did I mention 
> I luv
> > party planners??) told the DJ to push up his music so as to blend into the
> > end of our hora set
>This party planner was putting everyones hearing at risk.
>So how many DJ's are there?  In the not too distant future they can make some
>audiologist some real good money.  X number of DJ's x 2 ears each x $6000 per
>pair of digital hearing aids =?
>Willa C Horowitz, MA, CCC-A (Certified and CT Licensed Audiologist)
>Leader and Teacher of Israeli, Klezmer and International Folk Dance
>130 Mt. Sanford Road
>Hamden, CT 06518
>(203) 248-0291
>willadance (at) aol(dot)com
>Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>In a message dated 12/13/03 6:36:42 PM Eastern Standar= d Time, 
>AGREENBA (at) aol(dot)com writes:
>It's tacky and accomplishes=20= nothing.  If they are concerned with 
>hearing conservation, they would s= trictly adhere to standardized indoor 
>noise levels.
>Oh, and the really nice part was when the party planner (did I mention I 
>luv= party planners??) told the DJ to push up his music so as to blend 
>into the=20= end of our hora set
>This party planner was putting everyones hearing at risk.
>So how many DJ's are there?  In the not too distant future they can mak= e 
>some audiologist some real good money.  X number of DJ's x 2 ears eac= h x 
>$6000 per pair of digital hearing aids =3D?
>Willa C Horowitz, MA, C= CC-A (Certified and CT Licensed Audiologist)
>130 Mt. Sanford Road
>Hamden, CT 06518
>(203) 248-0291
>willadance (at) aol(dot)com
>Message-ID: <007001c3c299$bb07eef0$d472c118 (at) DFRPFC11>
>From: "allen watsky" <awatsky (at) nj(dot)rr(dot)com>
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: Shrinking audiences? (was RE: Khevre is astounding)
>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 18:26:41 -0500
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain;
>         charset="iso-8859-1"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>With the weather being what it is today in the region, the only folks
>hearing Khevre will be those who traveled down to play and some hearty souls
>who live on the Island of Manhattan. Another nor'easter, feh.
>    Re: the shrinking audience thread, its actually been picking up a bit
>lately. Still, I see the future of JM looking toward the dance floor if it
>wants to be relevant in the market place, deep groove , trance/funk.But with
>the modes and cadences of cantoral and klez. So for that reason larger, not
>smaller venues are needed or at least medium size, so as to accommodate
>dancing, limited seating. Say a Roseland sized venue. Very expensive to
>produce as a one off. Really we're all more likely to mine the party circuit
>more profitably, its an economy of means sort of equation.
>    Current events have definitely made a dent in the bizz this last two
>years. AW
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Seth Rogovoy" <seth(dot)rogovoy (at) verizon(dot)net>
>To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2003 5:51 PM
>Subject: Shrinking audiences? (was RE: Khevre is astounding)
>I wonder if what has been noted below isn't partly due to an overall trend
>affecting live music in theaters and clubs across the land -- and that is
>that in the last few years, certainly since 9/11 but especially since the
>beginning of Operation Iraqi Liberation, box office has been down across the
>That certainly has been the case in my little corner of the world (western
>Massachusetts/Berkshires), where bands, including some of the ones mentioned
>below, that used to be guaranteed sellouts, are lucky to attract a few dozen
>people. Even Michelle Shocked is playing a rare solo gig at a local
>nightclub that seats 100 tomorrow night, and as far as I know that show has
>yet to sell out.
>Have the professional performing musicians on this list noticed a definite
>drop at the box office since last spring?
>--Seth Rogovoy
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> > [mailto:owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org] On Behalf Of Jordan Hirsch
> > Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2003 5:38 PM
> > To: World music from a Jewish slant
> > Subject: Re: Khevre is astounding
> >
> >
> >    I have been feeling this way a little about the shows at
> > Tonic as well. In some ways, I wonder if making the music too
> > accesible means people take it for granted?
> >
> >
> > JH
> >
> > Ari Davidow wrote:
> >
> > > >The only down side was the sparse turnout. This is the
> > second concert
> > > >I've seen in the last month at the Regent Theater in
> > Arlington (MA),
> > > >the first being Pharaoh's Daughter.
> > >
> > > I do feel that this band is perfect for Johnny D's or
> > Passim, but even
> > > so, when there is room for a big turnout, let's all turn out!
>Message-ID: <004101c3c29e$c286a090$5653fea9 (at) OtherLaptop>
>From: "Eliezer Kaplan" <zelwel (at) comcast(dot)net>
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: Shrinking audiences? (was RE: Khevre is astounding)
>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 18:02:41 -0600
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain;
>         charset="iso-8859-1"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> >Still, I see the future of JM looking toward the dance floor if it
> > wants to be relevant in the market place, deep groove , trance/funk.But
> > the modes and cadences of cantoral and klez.
>You think there exists at this point good examples of this?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "allen watsky" <awatsky (at) nj(dot)rr(dot)com>
>To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2003 5:26 PM
>Subject: Re: Shrinking audiences? (was RE: Khevre is astounding)
> > With the weather being what it is today in the region, the only folks
> > hearing Khevre will be those who traveled down to play and some hearty
> > who live on the Island of Manhattan. Another nor'easter, feh.
> >    Re: the shrinking audience thread, its actually been picking up a bit
> > lately. Still, I see the future of JM looking toward the dance floor if it
> > wants to be relevant in the market place, deep groove , trance/funk.But
> > the modes and cadences of cantoral and klez. So for that reason larger,
> > smaller venues are needed or at least medium size, so as to accommodate
> > dancing, limited seating. Say a Roseland sized venue. Very expensive to
> > produce as a one off. Really we're all more likely to mine the party
> > more profitably, its an economy of means sort of equation.
> >    Current events have definitely made a dent in the bizz this last two
> > years. AW
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Seth Rogovoy" <seth(dot)rogovoy (at) verizon(dot)net>
> > To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
> > Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2003 5:51 PM
> > Subject: Shrinking audiences? (was RE: Khevre is astounding)
> >
> >
> > I wonder if what has been noted below isn't partly due to an overall trend
> > affecting live music in theaters and clubs across the land -- and that is
> > that in the last few years, certainly since 9/11 but especially since the
> > beginning of Operation Iraqi Liberation, box office has been down across
> > board.
> >
> > That certainly has been the case in my little corner of the world (western
> > Massachusetts/Berkshires), where bands, including some of the ones
> > below, that used to be guaranteed sellouts, are lucky to attract a few
> > people. Even Michelle Shocked is playing a rare solo gig at a local
> > nightclub that seats 100 tomorrow night, and as far as I know that show
> > yet to sell out.
> >
> > Have the professional performing musicians on this list noticed a definite
> > drop at the box office since last spring?
> >
> > --Seth Rogovoy
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> > > [mailto:owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org] On Behalf Of Jordan 
> > > Hirsch
> > > Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2003 5:38 PM
> > > To: World music from a Jewish slant
> > > Subject: Re: Khevre is astounding
> > >
> > >
> > >    I have been feeling this way a little about the shows at
> > > Tonic as well. In some ways, I wonder if making the music too
> > > accesible means people take it for granted?
> > >
> > >
> > > JH
> > >
> > > Ari Davidow wrote:
> > >
> > > > >The only down side was the sparse turnout. This is the
> > > second concert
> > > > >I've seen in the last month at the Regent Theater in
> > > Arlington (MA),
> > > > >the first being Pharaoh's Daughter.
> > > >
> > > > I do feel that this band is perfect for Johnny D's or
> > > Passim, but even
> > > > so, when there is room for a big turnout, let's all turn out!
> >
> >
> >
>Message-ID: <007f01c3c2a2$2afb7940$d472c118 (at) DFRPFC11>
>From: "allen watsky" <awatsky (at) nj(dot)rr(dot)com>
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: Shrinking audiences? (was RE: Khevre is astounding)
>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 19:27:05 -0500
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain;
>         charset="iso-8859-1"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>I think yes, the mizrahi thing under the yiddisha modes and cadences, its
>happening, its there, in the air ,part of the current zeitgeist. I think
>that the yiddish dances and the more postmodern rhythm landscape is what the
>music needs and what is and will be happening. That's my story and I'm
>sticking to it ! I hope to prove my point,  at least to my satisfaction,
>soon enough. Trade musicians have known for millennia that if they ain't
>dancin', it ain't nothin'. There are Israeli bands touring behind this
>concept now, at least a slice of it .AW
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Eliezer Kaplan" <zelwel (at) comcast(dot)net>
>To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2003 7:02 PM
>Subject: Re: Shrinking audiences? (was RE: Khevre is astounding)
> > >Still, I see the future of JM looking toward the dance floor if it
> > > wants to be relevant in the market place, deep groove , trance/funk.But
> > with
> > > the modes and cadences of cantoral and klez.
> >
> > You think there exists at this point good examples of this?
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "allen watsky" <awatsky (at) nj(dot)rr(dot)com>
> > To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
> > Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2003 5:26 PM
> > Subject: Re: Shrinking audiences? (was RE: Khevre is astounding)
> >
> >
> > > With the weather being what it is today in the region, the only folks
> > > hearing Khevre will be those who traveled down to play and some hearty
> > souls
> > > who live on the Island of Manhattan. Another nor'easter, feh.
> > >    Re: the shrinking audience thread, its actually been picking up a bit
> > > lately. Still, I see the future of JM looking toward the dance floor if
> > > wants to be relevant in the market place, deep groove , trance/funk.But
> > with
> > > the modes and cadences of cantoral and klez. So for that reason larger,
> > not
> > > smaller venues are needed or at least medium size, so as to accommodate
> > > dancing, limited seating. Say a Roseland sized venue. Very expensive to
> > > produce as a one off. Really we're all more likely to mine the party
> > circuit
> > > more profitably, its an economy of means sort of equation.
> > >    Current events have definitely made a dent in the bizz this last two
> > > years. AW
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: "Seth Rogovoy" <seth(dot)rogovoy (at) verizon(dot)net>
> > > To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
> > > Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2003 5:51 PM
> > > Subject: Shrinking audiences? (was RE: Khevre is astounding)
> > >
> > >
> > > I wonder if what has been noted below isn't partly due to an overall
> > > affecting live music in theaters and clubs across the land -- and that
> > > that in the last few years, certainly since 9/11 but especially since
> > > beginning of Operation Iraqi Liberation, box office has been down across
> > the
> > > board.
> > >
> > > That certainly has been the case in my little corner of the world
> > > Massachusetts/Berkshires), where bands, including some of the ones
> > mentioned
> > > below, that used to be guaranteed sellouts, are lucky to attract a few
> > dozen
> > > people. Even Michelle Shocked is playing a rare solo gig at a local
> > > nightclub that seats 100 tomorrow night, and as far as I know that show
> > has
> > > yet to sell out.
> > >
> > > Have the professional performing musicians on this list noticed a
> > > drop at the box office since last spring?
> > >
> > > --Seth Rogovoy
> > >
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From: owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> > > > [mailto:owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org] On Behalf Of Jordan 
> > > > Hirsch
> > > > Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2003 5:38 PM
> > > > To: World music from a Jewish slant
> > > > Subject: Re: Khevre is astounding
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >    I have been feeling this way a little about the shows at
> > > > Tonic as well. In some ways, I wonder if making the music too
> > > > accesible means people take it for granted?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > JH
> > > >
> > > > Ari Davidow wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > >The only down side was the sparse turnout. This is the
> > > > second concert
> > > > > >I've seen in the last month at the Regent Theater in
> > > > Arlington (MA),
> > > > > >the first being Pharaoh's Daughter.
> > > > >
> > > > > I do feel that this band is perfect for Johnny D's or
> > > > Passim, but even
> > > > > so, when there is room for a big turnout, let's all turn out!
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
>From: Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com
>Message-ID: <121(dot)2904a01e(dot)2d0e68a6 (at) aol(dot)com>
>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 20:30:14 EST
>Subject: Re:trance/funk.But the modes and cadences of cantoral and klez.
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>In a message dated 12/14/3 4:03:19 PM, zelwel (at) comcast(dot)net writes:
><< >Still, I see the future of JM looking toward the dance floor if it
> > wants to be relevant in the market place, deep groove , trance/funk.But
> > the modes and cadences of cantoral and klez.
>You think there exists at this point good examples of this?
>  >>
>Hey Eli, glad you asked.
>About 3 years ago, I made a posting about a then new CD "Shema Yisrael - The
>Cantorial Project: Ethno Ambient".  Produced by Arik Rudick, who had a smash
>album "Sattala",in Israel in early 70s using various synthesizers.
>On the"Shema Israel' CD, he created new "electronic" music specifically for
>classic Cantorial recordings by Kwartin, Glantz, Kapov-Kagan, Rosenblatt,
>Chagy, etc.
>Unlike recordings that sample cantorial records INTO new music, this music
>was composed specifically for the actual contorial recording.  A somewhat
>similar recording, "Covenant" was released about the same time, but I 
>don't think it
>was nearly as good. It sounded las if the Cantorial was sampled INTO the
>Though I thought "Shema Israel" was a good recording, it had no market at
>that time. About 6 months ago, one of the students at a local Yeshiva 
>bought one
>for a party "sight" unheard, and now everybody in his class has purchased 
> overnight hit...after 3 years.
>Hatikvah Music
>323) 655-7083
>From: Buby8 (at) aol(dot)com
>Message-ID: <12e(dot)378e3aef(dot)2d0e74b1 (at) aol(dot)com>
>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 21:21:37 EST
>Subject: Re: On Sale! New Lori Cahan-Simon New CD
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative; 
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Lori's CD is wonderful. What a gift to all of us lynda A Cohen
>Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>Lori's CD is wonderful. What a gift to all of us lynda= A Cohen
>Message-Id: <200312150303(dot)hBF33O519620 (at) panix1(dot)panix(dot)com>
>Subject: Re: On Sale! New Lori Cahan-Simon New CD
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 22:03:24 -0500 (EST)
>From: "r l reid" <ro (at) panix(dot)com>
>From: "r l reid" <ro (at) panix(dot)com>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>And reviewed in this weeks Yiddish Forward.  I think it's a good review -
>at least, the two paragraphs I've made it through so far are good - I'm
>You can see it by going to and clicking
>on "in der velt fun yidish" (third blue box down on the right).
>In the print version Lori's in the middle, but in the online version
>the picture of the record is on the top - the review itself is in
>the fine company of Brave Alte Velt's "Bentsht Das Fier", and Milken's
>Abraham Ellstein disk.
>r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net
>From: AGREENBA (at) aol(dot)com
>Message-ID: <155(dot)2990535e(dot)2d0e81f9 (at) aol(dot)com>
>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 22:18:17 EST
>Subject: dec. 21 Tonic: FleytMuzik
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative; 
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>Content-Language: en
>If the weather will cooperate I hope I'll see some of you at Tonic this=20
>coming Sunday, December 21. Pete Rushefsky, Marty Confurius and I will perfo=
>works from the FleytMuzik CD plus a newly-composed Khanuke freylekhs (I 
>write one; and I'll tell y'all why when y'all come on down) and a refreshing=
>little Triplik sher. If there's room I certainly hope people will do a littl=
>dancing, even if you have to come up on stage - we'll make room for you, 
>If you're not sure you like the flute, like the flute in klezmer, like it=20
>with cimbalom, or whatever reason will hold you back, at least take a listen=
>  at=20
> I'll also be bringing my new ebay little gem purchased=
>last month, a wonderful Julius Zimmermann 8-key flute that I'm still learnin=
>g to=20
>play - but I'll tell you more about that....when I see you.....and I promise=
>I'll only perform the few tunes on that flute that I can play....
>As many of you are aware, Pete and Marty are stellar musicians and it's goin=
>to be a blast playing with them. Our two sets will be different tunes so com=
>for the entire afternoon.
>(you know the drill: 1:30 and 3:00; more details on my website)=20
>Review Snippits:
>=E2=80=9CHer flute playing is inspired. It rocks. Even on the most intricate=
>, quiet,=20
>classical passages, this is the sort of playing that makes clear how much of=
>  a=20
>difference amazing musicianship makes=E2=80=9D.
>  =E2=80=9CFleytMuzik is fresh, marvelously joyous and soulful at once - it's=
>everything the best klezmer music, and the best music per se, should be; mus=
>ic that=20
>not only the ears listen to but the heart as well, and music that delights b=
>=E2=80=9CIndeed Adrianne is a master on the flute and without any problem sh=
>e knows=20
>how to interpret the klezmer music in a professional and personal way.=E2=
>=E2=80=9CWe get a sense of how klezmer might have sounded, at its best, 
>or 200=20
>years ago, before klezmer horns, before Americanized klezmer, before the=20
>clarinet became the main solo instrument. It's classical klezmer, if you wil=
>l.   What=20
>a beautiful, wonderful gift!=E2=80=9D
>See yas!
>Adrianne Greenbaum
> &
>Associate Professor of Flute, Mount Holyoke College
>Klezmer flutist: =E2=80=9CFleytMuzik=E2=80=9D and =E2=80=9CFamily Portrait=
>Classical: "Sounds of America"
>fluteworld or cdbaby
>Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>Content-Language: en
>If the weather will cooperate I hope I'll see= some of you at Tonic this 
>coming Sunday, December 21. Pete Rushefsky, Marty= Confurius and I will 
>perform works from the FleytMuzik CD plus a newly-comp= osed Khanuke 
>freylekhs (I had to write one; and I'll tell y'all why when y'a= ll come 
>on down) and a refreshing little Triplik sher. If there's room I cer= 
>tainly hope people will do a little dancing, even if you have to come up 
>on=20= stage - we'll make room for you, no prob.
>If you're not sure you like the flute, like the flute in klezmer, like it 
>wi= th cimbalom, or whatever reason will hold you back, at least take a 
>listen a= t I'll also be bringing my new ebay little 
>gem purchas= ed last month, a wonderful Julius Zimmermann 8-key flute that 
>I'm still lear= ning to play - but I'll tell you more about that....when I 
>see you.....and I= promise I'll only perform the few tunes on that flute 
>that I can play....
>As many of you are aware, Pete and Marty are stellar musicians and it's 
>goin= g to be a blast playing with them. Our two sets will be different 
>tunes so c= ome for the entire afternoon.
>(you know the drill: 1:30 and 3:00; more details on my website)
>Review Snippits:
><= I>=E2=80=9CHer flute playing is inspired. It rocks. Even on the most 
>intrica= te, quiet, classical passages, this is the sort of playing that 
>makes clear=20= how much of a difference amazing musicianship makes=E2=80=9D.
>=E2=80=9CFleytMuzik is fresh, marvelously joyous and soulful at once - 
>it's= everything the best klezmer music, and the best music per se, should 
>be; mu= sic that not only the ears listen to but the heart as well, and 
>music that d= elights both.=E2=80=9D
>= =E2=80=9CIndeed Adrianne is a master on the flute and without any 
>problem sh= e knows how to interpret the klezmer music in a professional 
>and personal wa= y.=E2=80=9D
><= I>
>= =E2=80=9CWe get a sense of how klezmer might have sounded, at its best, 
>100=20= or 200 years ago, before klezmer horns, before Americanized 
>klezmer, before=20= the clarinet became the main solo instrument. It's 
>classical klezmer, if you= will.  What a beautiful, wonderful gift!=E2=80=9D
>See yas!
>Adrianne Greenbaum
> &
>Associate Professor of Flute, Mount Holyoke College
>Klezmer flutist: =E2=80=9CFleytMuzik=E2=80=9D and =E2=80=9CFamily 
>Portrait= =E2=80=9D
>Classical: "Sounds of America"
>fluteworld or cdbaby
>End of JEWISH-MUSIC Digest 2815

Jeff Perlman
jeffrey(dot)perlman (at) aya(dot)yale(dot)edu

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