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Re: Article on Michael Winograd and KHEVRE in today's boston Herald

Here's an exact URL for those of us outside the area:

Nice article, overall.   Have a great show.

> For those of you who can get a copy of the Boston Herald, there is a feature 
> article in today's arts section on my band, KHEVRE, and I.  The article is 
> helping us to promote our upcoming gigs in Boston at the Regent theater 
> (,)on thursday, and in NYC at tonic ( 
> on sunday.  You can find the text to the article at 
> in "the edge section"- enjoy, hope some of 
> you can make the concerts-- Michael Winograd

r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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