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Fish Street Klezmer -- New CD!

Check this out -- just got hold of the latest effort from Fish Street
Klezmer Duo. In case you don't know them, they are Cantor Ken Richmond and
his wife Shira, also with the Klezmaniacs.. (the website is

THis CD is FUN FUN FUN!  Lot's of blazing fast Fidl/Accordion duets -- check
out the Sommerviller Doyne, an original from Ken, also Fish Street
Freylekhs, composed by Shira.. Style, shmyle, my favorite line in a song is

"Oh ty vodka, vodka gorkaya,
Oy vey s'iz bitter, chort voz mi!"

Anyway, you get 70 minutes of music and singing spanning  Russian Freylekhs
to Yiddish vaudeville, to hassidic tunes, all under one roof..

Who said there was no Jewish culture NOB (North of Boston??)

Vlad Liberman-- Having fun fiddling..

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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