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Re: Songs from the Attic

In a message dated 11/13/3 8:13:58 AM, SamWeiss (at) bellatlantic(dot)net 

<< I wonder if these are a repackaging of the 10-volume collection "Yiddishe 
Momme" from Russia peddled on this list about a year and a half ago.

No, these are totally different...we just put them up on our site yesterday, 
so you can now see the song and artist selections on our site on the "What's 
New At Hatikvah Music" page at: http://WWW.HATIKVAHMUSIC.COM/whatsnew1.html

There is a also a new CD, Eshet Chayil: Women Singing Yiddish - Vol 3  
artists (Sophie Tucker, Feder Sisters, Miriam Kressin, Molly Picon, Shifra 
etc.)  (CD) 
this Cd features ONLY women singers in Yiddish and is the only CD available 
featuring The Feder Sisters.

Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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