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Jewish Happenings at NOMAD

2003 NOMAD Festival
November 15-16, 2003

New Haven Career High School
140 Legion Avenue, New Haven, CT

The 2003 NOMAD Festival of Traditional Music, Art, and Dance will be Saturday 
and Sunday, November 15-16, 2003, at the New Haven Hill Career High School, 
140 Legion Avenue, New Haven, CT.
The festival will feature:
Participatory dance sessions, including contras, squares, English country, 
international, and more 
Concerts of folk music from the US and around the world 
Musical instrument workshops 
Sing-alongs and song-swaps 
Dance performances 
Family song, dance, and craft activities 
Storytelling for kids and adults 
Handcrafts and folk bazaar 

Jewish Happenings

Sat. November 15

11:00 am  Family Israeli Dances         taught by Danny Pollok
  4:00 pm  Yale Klezmer Band in concert

Sunday, November 16

12:00 noon  Arab and Israeli Dance          taught by Danny Pollock
  1:00 pm     Klezmer Music Jam          Led by NEFESH
   3:00 pm    Klezmer Dance Workshop    Taught by Willa Horowitz   Music by 

For lots more info visit the NOMAD website:
<A HREF=""></A>

Willa C Horowitz
Leader and Teacher of Israeli, Klezmer and International Folk Dance

130 Mt. Sanford Road
Hamden, CT 06518
(203) 248-0291

willadance (at) aol(dot)com

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