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Re: Take Two : Portuguese-Sephardic recordings

Hi, Simon and all.

I have not taken an exhaustive look at this subject, but here's what I 
know. I will not recap the three Shearith Israel CDs just released, since I 
forwarded a press release on same recently, nor the recent Roten release.

Cardozo, Abraham Lopes
Worked in the Sp-Port. idiom. Series on Tara Publications.

Re-releases forthcoming

Choral Music of Congregation Shearith Israel
CD of selections.

The current Hazan, Ira Rohde, has a three cassette tape on Shabbat davening.


Music of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue (Bevis Marks)
Smithsonian Folkways (now available on CD)

Choir of the Spanish & Portuguese Jews' Congregation, London
Sephardi Melodies Live From Bevis Marks Synagogue (Montefiore Anniversary 


Sp. Swerling, Norman P.
Romemu - Exalt!
National Multimedia Services

Roten, Hervé
Musiques Liturgiques Juives
Cité de la musique/Actes Sud
Book/CD combination. Don't know if it's still in print. Some songs from the 
Sp-Port. tradition

Rodriges Pereira, M. M.
Torah Cantillations accodgin to the Spansih and Portuguese Custom

At 02:46 PM 10/27/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear Sam and List memebers.
>I also think this is a beautiful recording and deserves a larger audience.
>I have had many requests for "any Portuguese, Ladino- Sephardic" recordings,
>however have had very little luck in locating any other than the one 
>in Sam's review, and a cassette, "Music of the Spanish and Portuguese
>Synagogue" which was originally on the Folkways label.
>If anyone knows of any other "Portuguese" recordings, I would be very
>grateful if you could notify me as I would very much like to add them to 
>our catalog.
>Thank You
>Hatikvah Music
>323) 655-7083
><< I just had the opportunity to listen to a French recording I got from
>Hatikvah Music, "Musiques de la Synagogue de Bordeaux: Rite Portugais."
>which features several Sephardic cantors and a wonderful male choir with a
>sound not unlike the presentation by Mr. Mehler's choir.  From the musical
>content as well as the liner notes it is clear that there was much
>conscious synagogue composition in the prevailing operatic idiom.  (Judith
>Cohen had referred to this as well.)  And it is quite likely that such
>pieces travelled between the various Portuguese Sephardic communities in
>Europe.  But my main purpose in writing this is to recommend the CD.  It is
>  >>

Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420

781-862-4104 (Telephone & FAX)
joel(dot)br (at) verizon(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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