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Recording Software for slowing down/pitch change

There are two really good programs, both for Mac (os 9 or X) & PC. I use the 
"Amazing Slower Downer" (awful name but good program), and there's also 
"Transcribe". Both of these programs were developed in order to transcribe fast 
licks on guitar, sax, etc., without changing the pitch of the music. With 
both programs, one can alter the speed, faster or slower, without pitch change, 
or change the pitch up and down, without changing the speed. In the "Amazing 
Slower Downer," there is an equalizer to account for the slight distortion that 
occurs when changing pitch. I'm not sure how Transcribe is at that. I use the 
programs to slow down Yossele Rosneblatt for learning purposes, or to lower 
Leib Glantz into my key (imagine hearing him as a baritone! pretty cool!). 

To find either program, search on Google for (in quotes), "Amazing Slower 
Downer" or <Transcribe> and <mac pc>. should come up on either search.

Cantor Erik L. F. Contzius
Temple Israel of New Rochelle

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