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Fwd: Purim song

Further to yesterday's question about a yiddish purimspiel song, here's 
what she she so far. If you can help, it would be a mitzvah.


>From: "Alison Kamm" <alison(dot)kamm (at) club-internet(dot)fr>
>Subject: Purim song
>This is the text of the little Purim ditty:
>Come and see our Purimspiel
>Mighty wonders we'll reveal
>Of Purim, of Purim,
>Of happy Purim day
>See the megila
>Slowly unwinding
>And out comes Esther
>Dancing with the king
>Get your groggers ready now
>While the actors take a bow
>And put on their masks
>In colors bright and gay
>Haman the villain
>Mordchai the hero
>Each one has
>His turn to dance and sing
>I'm about this far - as I wrote before, more german than yiddish.
>Maybe someone can
>a. have a good laugh reading my pitiful attempts!
>b. fix this up in no time?!
>Kum zu unsrer (insrer?) Purimspiel
>Groysse nissim zaygen (?) wir
>Fun Purim, Fun Purim
>Fum fraylich Yontiv Purim
>Die Megila.......
>Un da kumt Esther
>Tanzend mit'n Melech
>Dai, dai, dai for the 3d verse!!!
>Homon der rosho
>Mordchai der gibor
>A'jede darf tanzen
>Un singen .....
>Many thanks for any help!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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