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More grief from Augsburg

B"H Bamberg

Obviously, with such a vast synagogue complex,
the Augsburg Jewish community needed capable 
custodians to run and maintain the buildings, the
courtyard, the lots. Herr and Frau Wilman have been
there for years.

Like many other "Ossies" (East Germans), the Wilmans
moved to West Germany directly after German
reunification in 1990. Many former East Germans,
like the Wilmans, are looked down upon by many West
Germans; Ossies are seen by many as poorer, less
educated. Since the Wilmans´ Saxon (East German)
dialect is immediately recognizable to most Germans,
they were used to the occasional offhand remark.
However, they weren´t quite prepared for the Rabbi´s

"Communist swine", said she. Often screaming.

East Germans have been working hard at putting
their communist past behind them. The Wilmans
have been busy just keeping the Augsburg synagogue
in order, and they´ve been doing a good job.
They don´t get involved in religious or political
debates. They change light bulbs.

Herr Wilman is a typical, stocky, opinionated
Saxon. It´s his job to ensure that the machines
run, that the shelves are stocked, that the plumbers
and electricians and gardeners are called when
necessary. He´s a good man.

And Frau Wilman keeps up her end of the bargain,
and sprightly runs around with her endless series
of keys, locking and unlocking doors and gates
for those who come and those who leave the countless
rooms of the synagogue complex. Both are in their
late fifties.

"Communist swine", said the Rabbi´s Wife. Often

The Wilmans wanted to escape the daily verbal abuse
shoveled on them by the Rabbi´s Wife - they all
live in the complex - and decided to look for another
employer. But when the board decided to fire the
Rabbi, the Wilmans decided to stay for the next Rabbi.
"It has to be better". A logical, naive decision, as
it turned out.

Everyone expected the Rabbi and his wife to 
vacate the premises in a couple of months. That
was almost four years ago.

But when the Rabbi´s supporters lost their final
court case, the Rabbi´s Wife couldn´t help but
pour out her wrath on the Wilmans, who just happened
to be in the courtyard.

"Nazi swine!", she screamed.

Now, Frau Wilman could put up with the abuse, though
in Germany it´s against the law to call someone
a Nazi. Even for Israelis, like the Rabbi and his
Three times Frau Wilman withstood the epithet.

But when the Rabbi´s Wife spit on Frau Wilman,
things changed fast. Seeing that Frau Wilman
wasn´t going to take it anymore, the Rabbi´s Wife
ran up the stairs to her apartment, Frau Wilman
hot on her heels. The Rabbi´s Wife had just
managed to slam the door behind her when Frau
Wilman got to the door. Frau Wilman is big.
Frau Wilman is strong. She broke the door down.

The Rabbi´s Wife, realizing that she had a problem,
pushed the alarm button connected to the police.
The police were there immediately. The Rabbi´s
Wife told him that she wanted to fill out a complaint
against Frau Wilman for damaging the door.
Fine, said Frau Wilman, then she´ll press charges
against the Rabbi´s Wife for spitting on her, which
is quite a serious thing in Germany. Especially
when other people see it. Everyone in the synagogue
did. The police siren attracted everyone else
within hearing distance. So, Frau Wilman argued
with the Rabbi´s Wife in front of the rest
of the synagogue staff. And the police.

And then the Rabbi entered his apartment.
The fires of Hell were in his eyes.

"You are ALL anti-Semites!", yelled the Rabbi.

"Rabbi? Us too?", said the synagogue secretaries.

"You are ALL anti-Semites", yelled the Rabbi...


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