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Edward Said, Daniel BArenboim

Speaking of the New York Times (and truly, I think their coverage or
non-coverage of Jewish music is pretty much a non-issue, though I expect
it will be flailed about here for a while); anyway, speaking of the NYT,
their obit of Edward Said

- like other obituaries I've seen so far - omits his  recent (1999)
collaboration with Daniel Barenboim, creating an orchestra , The East
West Divan, of talented young Israeli and Arab musicians. It was based
in Seville this past year,  and received a lot of very POSITIVE
attention in the Spansh press, in fact won the prestifious Prince of
Asturias prize, at a time when coverage of anything Jewish was anything
but positive. So, whatever else one feels about his writings and
activities, I think this work with Barenboim was fantastic. 
among other places, read Barenboim and Said's comments at:


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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