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Re: Mel Gibson, The New York Times and Jewish Music

In a message dated 9/25/03 4:49:11 PM, grcomm (at) concentric(dot)net writes:

> This is why it is so important to support   independent book and record 
> sellers, to tell and Barnes and Ignoble   to piss off. I'm not 
> going 
> to get into a long diatribe, I'm merely going to say   two things:   1)  The 
> 'Net and e-mail lists like this one   are tremendous resources for building 
> our own networks of sale and distribution   -- small but vital alternatives 
> to 
> the corporate megamonsters that control the   marketplace; 2) We have an 
> obligation of self-interest in   supporting indie sellers, indie producers, 
> indie publishers and indie record   labels.

totally in agreement   here - and well said


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