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Re: Anthems for HH days

In a message dated 9/24/2003 1:38:17 PM Central Daylight Time, 
AGreenberg (at) aol(dot)com writes:

> I am the instrumental sololist ( clarinet ) for my temple, I've been doing 
> it for about 10 years now. I usually can figure out what to play for sermon 
> anthems with plenty of breathing room.  This year he's not giving me much 
> notice and the subjects are just stumping me.
> Shabbat: The theme is Personal spirituality -          
>     Intra-faith/Jewish-Orthodox understanding
> Saturday Morning   Mel Gibson's The Passion and Interfaith understanding
> Any ideas??  HELP!!!

How about one of these?

Debbie Friedman's The Time is Now
Livracha (the one you sang at NFTY camp)
Kol Ha-Olam Kulo Gesher Tzar M'od

If this is just to be instrumental, you have a lot more leeway, don't you?

Now I'm jumping onto the help-me-with-a-theme bandwagon (I'm a Hazanit, not a 
clarinetist).  I need a song for tshuva, and another one for Jonah, around 
the idea that "We must rise to the challenges that meet us, whether we are 
or not." 

All great song ideas welcome!

Lori @ the Bima

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