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Re:Mayn Shtetele Bronzvil

I also should inform everyone that my book, published by the IAYC was
launched at the IAYC Conference.  It is being used in leyenkrayzn with great
success since each story is the right size for one session..

It consists of 12 short story vignettes, with both Yiddish and
transliteration interpolated, followed by an English version and archival

These stories are capsules of a childhood in Jewish Brownsville in Brooklyn.
The Yiddish title is Mayn Shtetele Bronzvil, the English title is
Remembering Brownsville.  It speaks to the American Jewish immigrant
experience and the language reflects the contact between American and
Yiddish cultures.

It's all about happenings experienced by myself and my four younger siblings
as we roamed the neighborhood. Brownsville was poor, we didn't know how poor
until we moved away. But in many ways it was very rich, and this is what I
tried to capture in these stories. It was indeed a shtetl, and it even had a
marketplace - Belmont Avenue with its pushcarts. But you could sleep on the
fire escapes on a hot summer night, or get a tan on Tar Beach (the roof).
Yontef time was special - never has Simkhas Toyre been so beautifuly
celebrated as on Herzl Street as we ran around in the shul and on the street
with our paper flags with the candle set in a carved-out potato or apple on
the top. And the frum old men gave us all, even little kids, cakes, rock
candy, peanuts and raisins and shnapps.  So we were feeling no pain.

This is some of what I try to portray.

It costs $18 plus 5.50 (for American orders) a total of $23.50.  (Add 8.50
Canadian, 12.50 other locations.) And it can be ordered through me:

Make checks payable to:
Sylvia Schildt

address:  3702 Durley Lane
               Baltimore, MD 21207

Mit Yidishe grusn,


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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