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Re: In search of Frieda Enoch!

It is soooo nice to be able to say "I told you so"!!

When we first started carrying the Machaya Klezmer Band, many of the 
musicians I spoke to said "Well, the band isn't really DOING" was 
always,"You're right, they're only ENTERTAINING their audience.  I always loved 
their CDs, yet, many of the musicians knocked it as being too "simple."

To make a long story short, we sold over 5,000 CDs of the Machaya Klezmer 
Band, and they still sell very well. After Perlman's "In The Fiddler's House", 
it's our best selling Klezmer Cd of all time .They're second CD, "What A 
Machaya" was voted one of the top 10 CDs by Moment Magazine.

As to Frieda Enoch, she can he heard on the CD, "Rise Up And Fight" featuring 
Theodore Bikel and the Noble Voices (conducted by Robert DeCormier- who has 
arranged dome of the finest Jewish recordings of 60's for the original Vanguard 
label.  This is an impertand and beautiful recording which was produced by 
the US Holocaust Museum and we have been distributing it for 2 can 
view it with a  detailed description on our site at:

Hatikvah Music

> Ok, I'm in love!
> A dear friend recently gave me a copy of the Machaya Klezmer Band CD,
> featuring the lovely voice of Frieda Enoch.  The whole CD is sweet,
> but after hearing "Oy, Avrum!" I had to see if anyone on this list knew
> of any other Yiddish recordings featuring this singer!
> Must have more!!!  ;)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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