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Invitation to benefit concert

You are cordially invited to a benefit concert for

Doctors for Human Rights

with members of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra

Saida Bar-Lev, violin
Milka Laks, piano
Dalit Segal, french horn
Adi Hershko, tuba

playing the works of J.S. Bach, Brahms and Schubert.

The concert will take place on Saturday evening, October 4, at 9:00 PM
at the home of Ziva and Yoel Epstein, Hatamar 19, Moshav Magshimim, Israel.

Your contribution of 50 NIS per person will help to finance an operation for
Lana Kabita, 14, of Kfar Luban in the West Bank, and the ongoing activities
of Doctors for Human Rights.

The number of seats is limited, so you are kindly requested to confirm your
attendance by email to

yoel (at) netvision(dot)net(dot)il

joel epstein
moshav magshimim 56910
972-3-7255889 (fax)
yoel (at) netvision(dot)net(dot)il

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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